Man pages for jmcurran/rbayesfst
Bayesian Estimation of Fst

CalcFstCalculate Fst using the model
getPriorsGet the current values of the parameters for the priors
initIntialise a new Bayes Fst Object
print.bayesFstPrint method for 'bayesFst' objects
printDataPrint the data bound to an Bayes Fst Object
rbayesfstBayesian Estimation of Fst
samplesample generic
sample.bayesFstSample from the posterior distribution of Fst
sample.defaultDefault call to base R 'sample' function
setInteractionChange the model to use (or not use) the interaction term
setPriorsSet the values of the parameters for the priors
setRunParamsSet the parameters for the MCMC run
summary.bayesFstDataSummary information for 'bayesFstData' objects
jmcurran/rbayesfst documentation built on June 4, 2022, 9:57 a.m.