flowCutData: A list containing two GvHD flow frames from flowCore

flowCutDataR Documentation

A list containing two GvHD flow frames from flowCore


We are taking two flowFrames from flowCore's GvHD dataset and two flowFrames from FlowRespository, an open source cytometry data repository. The first two flowFrames are GvHD flowFrame objects 's9a06' and 's5a07'. The third flowFrame is from FlowRespository's FR-FCM-ZZ7E 'Macrophages + oATP.fcs', and the fourth is from FlowRespository's 'FR-FCM-ZZVB Specimen_001_B6 LSK.fcs'. We used the estimateLogical transformation on the data. We then processed the data with flowCut in the examples.




Maintainer: Justin Meskas justinmeskas@gmail.com, Sherrie Wang swang@bccrc.ca


res_flowCut <- flowCut(flowCutData[[1]], Plot="All")
# See plot in working directory/flowCut

# Here is an example with decreasing the MaxValleyHgt parameter, which causes a flag.
res_flowCut <- flowCut(flowCutData[[2]], MaxValleyHgt = 0.01, Verbose = TRUE, AllowFlaggedRerun = FALSE, Plot="All")

# Compare with:
res_flowCut <- flowCut(flowCutData[[2]], Verbose = TRUE, AllowFlaggedRerun = FALSE, Plot="All")

# Here is an example with decreasing the MaxPercCut parameter, which causes a flag.
res_flowCut <- flowCut(flowCutData[[3]], MaxPercCut = 0.15, AllowFlaggedRerun = FALSE, Verbose = TRUE)

# Compare with:
res_flowCut <- flowCut(flowCutData[[3]], Verbose = TRUE, Plot="All")

# Here is an example using AllowFlaggedRerun and UseOnlyWorstChannels
res_flowCut <- flowCut(flowCutData[[4]], AllowFlaggedRerun = TRUE,
                    UseOnlyWorstChannels = TRUE, Plot="All")

# Alternative plotting option 1
res_flowCut <- flowCut(flowCutData[[1]])
plotDens(flowCutData[[1]], c("Time","FL1-H"))
points(exprs(flowCutData[[1]])[res_flowCut$ind, c("Time","FL1-H")], pch=".")

# Alternative plotting option 2
res_flowCut <- flowCut(flowCutData[[1]], Plot="All", PrintToConsole=TRUE)

jmeskas/flowCut documentation built on March 31, 2022, 11:04 a.m.