Man pages for jmlondon/wcUtils
Utilities to Access the Wildlife Computers Data Portal API

as_ecdfCreate An ECDF List
combine_ecdfCombine Two 'wcECDF' Objects Into a Single ECDF
drop_ecd_duplicatesDrop duplicates within an ECDF
fixCSVTidy a comma separated value (CSV) file
format_binsformat bin labels
make_namesExpanded make.names function for creating consistent column...
read_allmsgParse a *-All.csv file into a proper data.frame
read_behavParse a *-Behavior.csv file into a proper data.frame
read_ecdfRead and Tidy ECDF Data File
read_fastGPSParse a *-FastGPS.csv files into a proper data.frame
read_histosParse a *-Histos.csv files into a proper data.frame
read_locsParse a *-Locations.csv files into a proper data.frame
smooth_ecdfCreate smoothed ECDF
tidyDiveDepthsApply 'tidy' data principles to the dive-depth histogram data...
tidyDiveDurationsApply 'tidy' data principles to the dive-duration histogram...
tidyTimeAtDepthApply 'tidy' data principles to the time-at-depth histogram...
tidyTimelinesApply 'tidy' data principles to the timeline histogram data...
to_pdfTransform a 'wcECDF' Object Into a Probability Density...
wcGetDeployIDReturn a vector of data portal unique IDs associated with a...
wcGetDownloadRetrieve data from Wildlife Computers Data Portal
wcGetIDsReturn a vector of deployment IDs
wcGetProjectIDsReturn a vector of deployment IDs associated with a given...
wcGetPttIDReturn a vector of deployment ID associated with a given PTT
wcGetRecentIDsReturn a vector of deployment IDs with new data in the last...
wcGetZipRetrieve a single zip file from Wildlife Computers Data...
wcPOSTSend POST to Wildlife Computers Data Portal API
wcUtilswcUtils: A package for import/export of Wildlife Computers...
jmlondon/wcUtils documentation built on March 19, 2024, 8:40 a.m.