Man pages for jmp75/RtoTIME
Access to TIME from R

createModelRunnerCreate a TIME Model runner
dotOnLoad.RdFunction called when loading the RtoTIME package with...
executeSimulationExecutes a temporal simulation
getModelParametersGets a TIME parameter set from a model
getModelParametersAsDataFrameGets a simple data frame representation of model parameter
getRecordedTimeSeriesGets a time series of the simulation output
getRecordedTtsRetrieves a recorded 'TIME' time series from a simulation
loadModelRunnerLoad a system runner simulation from an XML file
loadParameterSetFromXmlLoad a parameter set from an XML file
loadSystemRunnerLoad a system runner simulation from an XML file
playTimeSeriesFlag a model output to be recorded at the next simulation...
pSetApplyDataFrameGets a simple data frame representation of model parameter
pSetAsDataFrameConvert a TIME parameter to a simple data frame...
recordTimeSeriesFlag a model output to be recorded at the next simulation...
rewindModelRunnerRewinds, reset and initialise states of a ModelRunner.
RtoTIME-packageAccess TIME high-level modelling constructs from R
runTimeStepRun one time step of a ModelRunner temporal simulation
setFastModelRunnerTurn on/off whether new TIME model runners created will seek...
setSimulSpanSets the temporal span of the model simulation
ttsCreate a 'TIME' time series
ttsToZooConvert a 'TIME' time series to a 'zoo' series
zooToDailyTtsConvert a 'zoo' series to a 'TIME' time series
jmp75/RtoTIME documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:55 p.m.