Man pages for jmpowers/bouquet
Filter and Augment Biological GC-MS Data

augment_pubchemLookup data from PubChem
combine_filtersCombine filters
filter_ambient_dateFilter on ratios between samples and controls by date
filter_ambient_presenceFilter on occurence in controls
filter_ambient_ratioFilter on ratios between samples and controls
filter_ambient_ttestFilter on significant differences from controls
filter_areaFilter on the maximum peak area of a compound
filter_contaminantFilter known contaminants
filter_countFilter on compound counts
filter_freqFilter on compound frequency
filter_leaf_ratioA function to filter on whether the quantity of a compound in...
filter_matchFilter on the match between a compound and a library
filter_RTFilter on retention times
GCMS_outputFloral volatiles of Schiedea hybrids
load_longdataLoad GC-MS data
load_metadataLoad metadata
make_chemtableMake chemical table
make_sampletableMake sample table
plot_filtersDiagnostic plot of compound filtering
prune_sampletablePrune sampletable
prune_sampletable_datesPrune sampletable by date Zeros out cells in the sample table...
prune_sampletable_leafPrune sampletable by leaf Zeros out cells in the sample table...
standardize_finaltableStandardize finaltable by amount or row total
jmpowers/bouquet documentation built on Feb. 12, 2023, 12:11 a.m.