TODO for genejam


30jun2021 (COMPLETE)

COMPLETE: Optional case-insensitive lookup

Current workflow requires two un-intuitive steps:

  1. Prepare annotation library with get_anno_db(.., This step also requires the full annotation library input, no convenience of providing only "SYMBOL2EG" for example. Also, this step is fairly slow - about 17 seconds to prepare three annotation environments. If not cached, obviously this step adds 17 seconds to every response time.
try_dbs <- list(org.Hs.egSYMBOL2EG=org.Hs.egSYMBOL2EG,
system.time(try_list <- lapply(try_dbs, function(i){
  1. Convert input to lowercase with tolower(), and query using the custom try_list object from step 1.

The solution seems to be the custom function genejam::imget() with case-insensitive mget(), with prefix i to indicate case-insensitive.

freshenGenes3(tolower(c("TRKB", "ApoE")), try_list=try_list)

COMPLETE: Fix bug when colname "intermediate" is supplied as input

Reproducible example ( or less)

idf <- data.frame(Gene=c("MINA", "MINA", "GABRR3", "GABRR3"),
   intermediate=c("", "84864", "", "200959"))


    Gene intermediate intermediate_v1 SYMBOL                                                               GENENAME
1   MINA                        84864                                                                              
2   MINA        84864           84864  RIOX2                                                  ribosomal oxygenase 2
3 GABRR3                       200959                                                                              
4 GABRR3       200959          200959 GABRR3 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor rho3 subunit (gene/pseudogene)

It creates a new column "intermediate_v1" then does not use it.

Desired outcome

Values should be left as-is in "intermediate" and new values should be used to fill in holes.

Ideally, user can specify the intermediate_colname so its values are recognized, potentially skipping the first step in freshenGenes() if there are no remaining colnames in the input data.

An argument intermediate_colname would make the process a bit more transparent.

Also, the colname intermediate_colname should not be split into multiple columns as is done with input data when it contains delimited values.

New workflow (version

idf <- data.frame(Gene=c("MINA", "MINA", "GABRR3", "GABRR3", "APOE"),
   ENTREZID=c("", "84864", "", "200959", "84864"))
genejam::freshenGenes2(idf, intermediate="ENTREZID")
genejam::freshenGenes2(idf, intermediate="ENTREZID", handle_multiple="first_hit")
genejam::freshenGenes2(idf, intermediate="ENTREZID", handle_multiple="first_try")
genejam::freshenGenes2(idf, intermediate="ENTREZID", handle_multiple="all")
genejam::freshenGenes2(idf, intermediate="ENTREZID", handle_multiple="best_each")
genejam::freshenGenes2(idf, intermediate="ENTREZID", include_source=TRUE)

Trickier example showing mix of input types:

idf <- data.frame(Gene=c("MINA", "RIOX2", "GABRR3", "GABRR3", "RIOX2,GABRR3", ""),
   ENTREZID=c("", "84864", "", "200959", "", "84864,200959"))
genejam::freshenGenes2(idf, intermediate="ENTREZID")
genejam::freshenGenes2(idf, intermediate="ENTREZID", include_source=TRUE)

Final example showing input with only the intermediate column:

idf <- data.frame(Gene=c("MINA", "RIOX2", "GABRR3", "GABRR3", "RIOX2,GABRR3", ""),
   ENTREZID=c("", "84864", "", "200959", "", "84864,200959"))
genejam::freshenGenes2(idf[,"ENTREZID",drop=FALSE], intermediate="ENTREZID")

Allow ENTREZID or EG as optional input column(s)

I bring this issue to the top on 30mar2021.

Problem space

It is not currently possible to provide ENTREZID values at input, since these values are expected to be in the "intermediate" column after the first step in the process. There is no annotation that takes ENTREZID and returns ENTREZID.

A close by-pass is to supply data with colname "intermediate", which works but breaks the actual use of "intermediate".

Make searches case-insensitive

{r, imget} input <- c("Apoe", "h1-3", "Hist1H1C"); keys <- ls(org.Hs.egSYMBOL2EG) keymatch <- match(tolower(input), tolower(keys)) keysfound <- !; values <- as.list(jamba::nameVector(rep(NA, length(input)), input)) valuesfound <- mget(keys[keymatch[keysfound]], org.Hs.egSYMBOL2EG, ifnotfound=NA) values[keysfound] <- valuesfound; values;

After some testing, it appears the slow step is retrieving all the keys, which is also performed each time the data is queried, compounding the problem.

Current recommendation is to use get_anno_db(..., which returns an environment where all keys are forced to lowercase. In this case, the environment consumes real memory, and takes longer to prepare. However once prepared, the environment can be passed directory to freshenGenes() for rapid operation.

Suggested mechanism

jmw86069/genejam documentation built on Sept. 19, 2022, 1:53 p.m.