filter_mem_genes: Filter mem multienrichment object by Gene names

filter_mem_genesR Documentation

Filter mem multienrichment object by Gene names


Filter mem multienrichment object by Gene names


filter_mem_genes(mem, includeGenes = NULL, ...)



list object returned by multiEnrichMap()


character vector of genes, matched with rownames(mem$memIM)


additional arguments are ignored


This is intended to be an internal function. It simply takes a character vector of gene names, and subsets incidence matrix data in the mem object. It performs no other filtering. This function is called by subset_mem(), the recommended method to subset a mem object.


list object of mem data content

See Also

Other jam utility functions: avg_angles(), avg_colors_by_list(), call_fn_ellipsis_deprecated(), cell_fun_bivariate(), collapse_mem_clusters(), colorRamp2D(), deconcat_df2(), display_colorRamp2D(), enrichList2geneHitList(), filter_mem_sets(), find_colname(), get_hull_data(), get_igraph_layout(), gsubs_remove(), handle_igraph_param_list(), isColorBlank(), make_legend_bivariate(), make_point_hull(), mem_find_overlap(), order_colors(), rank_mem_clusters(), rotate_coordinates(), subgraph_jam(), subset_mem(), summarize_node_spacing(), xyAngle()

jmw86069/jamenrich documentation built on Nov. 6, 2024, 7:07 p.m.