
#' ### Replicating the example from the post
#' #' analysis
#' #'
#' #' @param samples the sample points computed using some sampling method
#' #' @param B the number of batches
#' #' @param N the number of iterations within each batch
#' #'
#' #' @return a list: the first two elements are the mean and standard deviaiton of the sample points the last element is a matrix contains the variance of the batch means and batch variances
#' analysis <- function(samples, B,N){
#'   mu <- apply(samples,2, mean)
#'   stddev <- apply(samples,2,sd)
#'   ## Initialise a matrix that stores variances of means of batches (first column)
#'   ## and variances of variances of batches(second column)
#'   SubMatrix <- matrix(0, nrow=30, ncol=2 )
#'   for (j in 1:length(theta0)){
#'     meanBatch <- c()
#'     varBatch <- c()
#'     for (i in 1:B){
#'       samples[,j]
#'       a <-samples[((i-1)*N+1):((i-1)*N+N), j]
#'       meanBatch <- c(meanBatch, mean(a))
#'       varBatch <- c(varBatch, var(a))
#'     }
#'     SubMatrix[j,] <- c(var(meanBatch), var(varBatch))
#'   }
#'   return(list(mu, stddev, SubMatrix))
#' }
#' ### Constructing a 30-dimensional multivariate normal distribution, in which the 30 components
#' ### are independent, with standard deviations of 110, 100, 1.1, 1.0, and 26 equally space between 8 and 16
#' ### Since the operation of HMC is invariant to rotation, behaviour on the distribution is the same as on any
#' ### 30-dimensional multivariate normal for which the square roots of the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix
#' ### have these values
#' sdevs <- c (110, 100, seq(16,8,length=26), 1.1, 1.0)
#' V <- sdevs^2
#' # Number of batchs
#' B = 20
#' # Number of iterations in a batch
#' N = 625
#' M = B*N
#' Madapt = 2000
#' delta =0.6
#' ####################################################################################
#' ### Construct sample points by NUTS
#' # L returns log posterior density and its gradient
#' L <- function(theta){
#'   grad0 = - theta/V
#'   log0 = 0.5*t(theta) %*%grad0
#'   return(list(log0, grad0))
#' }
#' theta0 <- rnorm(30)
#' g(sampleNuts, acceprate, epsilonNor, height) %=% NutsDual(theta0, delta, L, M, Madapt)
#' ### Construct independent sample points using build-in normal functions
#' sampleInd = matrix(0, nrow = M, ncol = length(theta0));
#' for (i in 1:M){
#'   sampleInd[i,] = rnorm(length(theta0)) * sdevs
#' }
#' ### Construct sample point by HMC
#' ## trajectory lengths is 100
#' HMD1st <- Sys.time()
#' g(sampleHMD1, alpha1) %=% HmcDual(theta0, delta, 100, L, M, Madapt)
#' HMD1ed <- Sys.time()
#' HMD1time<- difftime(HMD1ed,HMD1st)
#' ## trajectory lengths is 170
#' HMD2st <- Sys.time()
#' g(sampleHMD2, alpha2) %=% HmcDual(theta0, delta, 170, L, M, Madapt)
#' HMD2ed <- Sys.time()
#' HMD2time<- difftime(HMD2ed,HMD2st)
#' ## trajectory lengths is 200
#' HMD3st <- Sys.time()
#' g(sampleHMD3, alpha3) %=% HmcDual(theta0, delta, 200, L, M, Madapt)
#' HMD3ed <- Sys.time()
#' HMD3time<- difftime(HMD3ed,HMD3st)
#' ### Construct sample point by HMC Modified
#' ## trajectory lengths is 100
#' HMD1stM <- Sys.time()
#' g(sampleHMD1mod, alpha1mod) %=% HmcDualMod(theta0, delta, 100, L, M, Madapt)
#' HMD1edM <- Sys.time()
#' HMD1timeMod<- difftime(HMD1edM,HMD1stM)
#' ## trajectory lengths is 170
#' HMD2stM <- Sys.time()
#' g(sampleHMD2mod, alpha2mod) %=% HmcDualMod(theta0, delta, 170, L, M, Madapt)
#' HMD2edM <- Sys.time()
#' HMD2timeMod<- difftime(HMD2edM,HMD2stM)
#' ## trajectory lengths is 200
#' HMD3stM <- Sys.time()
#' g(sampleHMD3mod, alpha3mod) %=% HmcDualMod(theta0, delta, 200, L, M, Madapt)
#' HMD3edM <- Sys.time()
#' HMD3timeMod<- difftime(HMD3edM,HMD3stM)
#' ######################################################################
#' ###Analysing Results
#' ######################################################################
#' ############# Nuts
#' g(muNuts, sdNuts, SubMatrixNuts) %=% analysis(sampleNuts, B,N)
#' ############# Independent
#' g(muInd, sdInd, SubMatrixInd) %=% analysis(sampleInd, B,N)
#' ############# HMC with Dual Averaging
#' ## HMD with trajectory 100
#' g(muHMD1, sdHMD1, SubMatrixHMD1) %=% analysis(sampleHMD1, B,N)
#' ## HMD with trajectory 170
#' g(muHMD2, sdHMD2, SubMatrixHMD2) %=% analysis(sampleHMD2, B,N)
#' ## ## HMD with trajectory 200
#' g(muHMD3, sdHMD3, SubMatrixHMD3) %=% analysis(sampleHMD3, B,N)
#' ############## HMC with Dual Averaging and random trajectory
#' ## HMD with trajectory 100
#' g(muHMD1mod, sdHMD1mod, SubMatrixHMD1mod) %=% analysis(sampleHMD1mod, B,N)
#' ## HMD with trajectory 170
#' g(muHMD2mod, sdHMD2mod, SubMatrixHMD2mod) %=% analysis(sampleHMD2mod, B,N)
#' ## ## HMD with trajectory 200
#' g(muHMD3mod, sdHMD3mod, SubMatrixHMD3mod) %=% analysis(sampleHMD3mod, B,N)
#' ######################################################################
#' ### Plot the results
#' ######################################################################
#' x <- seq(1,30,by=1)
#' ########### NUTS & INDEPENDENT
#' # variance of mean estimate (NUTS & Independent)
#' plot(x, SubMatrixNuts[,1],log="y", ylim = c(1e-03,1e+03), xlab ="NUTS(red) / Independent(black)", ylab="variance of mean estimate", col="red",pch=16,type="b")
#' points(x,SubMatrixInd[,1], log="y", col="black", pch=16,type="b")
#' # variance of variance estimate (NUTS & Independent)
#' plot(x, SubMatrixNuts[,2], ylim = c(1e-03,1e+07),log="y", xlab ="NUTS(red) / Independent(black)", ylab="variance of variance estimate", col="red",pch=16, type="b")
#' points(x,SubMatrixInd[,2], log="y", col="black", pch=16, type="b")
#' ########### HMC Dual (trajectory = 100, 170, 200)
#' ## variance of mean estimate ()
#' plot(x, SubMatrixHMD1[,1],log="y", type="b",xlab ="trajectory length 100(red); 170(green); 200(blue)", ylab="variance of mean estimate", col="red",pch=16)
#' points(x,SubMatrixHMD2[,1], log="y", type="b",col="green", pch=16)
#' points(x,SubMatrixHMD3[,1], log="y",type="b", col="blue", pch=16)
#' ## variance of variance estimate
#' plot(x, SubMatrixHMD1[,2],log="y", type="b",ylim = c(1e-03,1e+07),xlab ="trajectory length 100(red); 170(green); 200(blue)", ylab="variance of mean estimate", col="red",pch=16)
#' points(x,SubMatrixHMD2[,2], log="y",type="b", col="green", pch=16)
#' points(x,SubMatrixHMD3[,2], log="y", type="b",col="blue", pch=16)
#' ########### HMC Dual with random trajectory (trajectory = 100, 170, 200)
#' ## variance of mean estimate ()
#' plot(x, SubMatrixHMD1mod[,1],log="y",ylim = c(1e-03,1e+03), type="b",xlab ="trajectory length 100(red); 170(green); 200(blue)", ylab="variance of mean estimate", col="red",pch=16)
#' points(x,SubMatrixHMD2mod[,1], log="y",type="b", col="green", pch=16)
#' points(x,SubMatrixHMD3mod[,1], log="y", type="b",col="blue", pch=16)
#' ## variance of variance estimate
#' plot(x, SubMatrixHMD1mod[,2],log="y",ylim = c(1e-03,1e+07), type="b",xlab ="trajectory length 100(red); 170(green); 200(blue)", ylab="variance of mean estimate", col="red",pch=16)
#' points(x,SubMatrixHMD2mod[,2], log="y",type="b", col="green", pch=16)
#' points(x,SubMatrixHMD3mod[,2], log="y", type="b",col="blue", pch=16)
jodie0399/NUTS documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:06 a.m.