Man pages for joebrew/malariaprediction
The malaria elimination prediction market

add_rowAdd a row to one of the tables in the "database"
add_userAdd a user to the users table
get_spreadGet spread
get_table_keysGet table keys
invite_participantsInvite participants to participate in the market
juice_the_marketJuice the market
load_all_dataRead all tables from the "database"
load_tableRead an entire table from the "database"
make_authorsMake authors
make_offerMake an offer to sell or buy a statement
make_offer_and_transactMake an offer to sell or buy a statement and then transact
make_random_offersMake random offers from random users for random event ids
plot_transactionsPlot transactions for an event
set_up_usersSet up the users table
theme_publicationTheme for ggplots
update_usersUpdate users
joebrew/malariaprediction documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:40 p.m.