# All beamer themes at http://deic.uab.es/~iblanes/beamer_gallery/index_by_theme_and_color.html
opts_chunk$set(comment = NA, 
               echo = FALSE, 
               warning = FALSE, 
               message = FALSE, 
               error = TRUE, 
               cache = FALSE)
opts_chunk$set(dev = 'pdf')

# Packages
options(knitr.table.format = "latex")
# Print the author names and affiliations
x <- make_authors(include_address = FALSE, include_country = TRUE, seperator = ' \n\n ', cat_it = FALSE)
# Read in data
ab <- maragra::ab
ab_panel <- maragra::ab_panel
bairros <- maragra::bairros
census <- maragra::census
clinic <- maragra::clinic
clinic_agg <- maragra::clinic_agg
irs <- maragra::irs
mc <- maragra::mc
workers <- maragra::workers

# Define function fro breaking the days_since var
break_days_since <- function(days_since){
  out <- ifelse(days_since > 180, '181+',
           ifelse(days_since > 90, '091-180',
                  ifelse(days_since > 60, '061-090',
                         ifelse(days_since > 30, '031-060',
                                ifelse(days_since >= 0, '000-030',
                                       ifelse(days_since < 0, 'Before', NA))))))
  out <- factor(out,
                levels = c('Before',

# Define function for making season
make_season <- function(date){
  out <- ifelse(as.numeric(format(date, '%m')) %in% c(11:12, 1:3),
                   'Malaria season', 'Off season')
  out <- factor(out, levels = c('Off season', 'Malaria season'))


# Create matching data for propensity scoring
right_side <- irs %>%
  group_by(unidade) %>% 
  tally %>%
  ungroup %>%
  mutate(received = ifelse(n > 0, TRUE, FALSE))

left_side <-
  workers %>%
  dplyr::select(oracle_number, unidade, permanent_or_temporary, department, sex, 
                perm_id) %>%
  # bring in census address
  left_join(census %>%

psm <- left_join(x = left_side,
                 y = right_side,
                 by = 'unidade') %>%
  # Keep only those who are censed
         !is.na(latitude)) %>%
  # Keep only those who live within maragra
  filter(maragra_fabrica |maragra_bairro) %>%
  mutate(received = ifelse(is.na(received), FALSE, received)) %>%
  mutate(age = round((as.numeric(as.Date('2016-01-01') - date_of_birth)) / 365.25, digits = 2)) %>%
         !is.na(age)) %>%
  dplyr::select(-unidade, -date_of_birth, -n)

psmt1 <- psm
names(psmt1) <- toupper(names(psmt1))
psmt1 <- psmt1 %>%
  mutate(RECEIVED = ifelse(RECEIVED == TRUE,'IRS', 'No IRS')) %>%

table1 <- CreateTableOne(vars = toupper(c('STATUS', 'department', 'age',
                                  'sex', 'received')), 
                         data = psmt1, 
                         factorVars = toupper(c('STATUS', 'department',
                         strata = 'RECEIVED')
table1 <- print(table1, 
                printToggle = FALSE, 
                noSpaces = TRUE)

match.it <- matchit(received ~ age + sex + permanent_or_temporary + department, data = psm, method="nearest", ratio=1)
# Save matched samples
matched <- match.data(match.it)[1:ncol(psm)]
a <- summary(match.it)

# Create model data
model_data_propensity <-
  ab_panel %>%
  filter(oracle_number %in% matched$oracle_number) %>%
  left_join(irs) %>%
  left_join(matched) %>%
  mutate(days_since = break_days_since(days_since)) %>%
  filter(!is.na(days_since)) %>%
  # mutate(time_period = lendable::time_period_extract(date)) %>%
  # mutate(time_period = as.character(time_period)) %>%
  mutate(time_period = make_season(date = date)) %>%
  mutate(absent_sick = ifelse(is.na(absent_sick), FALSE, absent_sick))

# Create model data for all obs (not just propensity score)
model_data <-
  ab_panel %>%
  # filter(oracle_number %in% matched$oracle_number) %>%
  left_join(irs) %>%
  # left_join(matched) %>%
  mutate(spray_month = format(date + days_since, '%b')) %>%
  mutate(days_since = break_days_since(days_since)) %>%
  filter(!is.na(days_since)) %>%
  # mutate(time_period = lendable::time_period_extract(date)) %>%
  # mutate(time_period = as.character(time_period)) %>%
  mutate(time_period = make_season(date = date)) %>%
  mutate(absent_sick = ifelse(is.na(absent_sick), FALSE, absent_sick)) %>%
  mutate(month = format(date, '%b'))
  # # remove the period 30 days after spraying
  # filter(days_since >= 30 | days_since <= 0)
# Need to add seasonality
# Need to adjust for houses on and off site

fit_propensity <- glm(absent ~ days_since * time_period,
           family = binomial('logit'),
          data = model_data_propensity)
x <- exp(coef(fit_propensity))
ors_propensity <- exp(confint(fit_propensity))
ors_propensity <- data.frame(ors_propensity)
names(ors_propensity) <- c('Lower', 'Upper')

ors_propensity <- cbind(x, ors_propensity)
ors_propensity$Variable <- row.names(ors_propensity)
ors_propensity <- ors_propensity %>%
  dplyr::rename(OR = x) %>%
  dplyr::select(Variable, OR, Lower, Upper) %>%
  mutate(OR = round(OR, digits = 3),
         Lower = round(Lower, digits = 3),
         Upper = round(Upper, digits = 3))

# Need to add seasonality
# Need to adjust for houses on and off site
fit_propensity_sick <- glm(absent_sick ~ days_since * time_period,
           family = binomial('logit'),
          data = model_data_propensity)
x <- exp(coef(fit_propensity_sick))
ors_propensity_sick <- exp(confint(fit_propensity_sick))
ors_propensity_sick <- data.frame(ors_propensity_sick)
names(ors_propensity_sick) <- c('Lower', 'Upper')

ors_propensity_sick <- cbind(x, ors_propensity_sick)
ors_propensity_sick$Variable <- row.names(ors_propensity_sick)
ors_propensity_sick <- ors_propensity_sick %>%
  dplyr::rename(OR = x) %>%
  dplyr::select(Variable, OR, Lower, Upper) %>%
  mutate(OR = round(OR, digits = 3),
         Lower = round(Lower, digits = 3),
         Upper = round(Upper, digits = 3))

# new fit
# new_fit <- lm(absent ~ days_since * time_period + month, data = model_data)

# Need to adjust for houses on and off site
fit <- glm(absent ~ days_since * time_period,
           family = binomial('logit'),
          data = model_data)
x <- exp(coef(fit))
ors <- exp(confint(fit))
ors <- data.frame(ors)
names(ors) <- c('Lower', 'Upper')

ors <- cbind(x, ors)
ors$Variable <- row.names(ors)
ors <- ors %>%
  dplyr::rename(OR = x) %>%
  dplyr::select(Variable, OR, Lower, Upper) %>%
  mutate(OR = round(OR, digits = 3),
         Lower = round(Lower, digits = 3),
         Upper = round(Upper, digits = 3))

# Need to add seasonality
# Need to adjust for houses on and off site
fit_sick <- glm(absent_sick ~ days_since * time_period,
           family = binomial('logit'),
          data = model_data)
x <- exp(coef(fit_sick))
ors_sick <- exp(confint(fit_sick))
ors_sick <- data.frame(ors_sick)
names(ors_sick) <- c('Lower', 'Upper')

ors_sick <- cbind(x, ors_sick)
ors_sick$Variable <- row.names(ors_sick)
ors_sick <- ors_sick %>%
  dplyr::rename(OR = x) %>%
  dplyr::select(Variable, OR, Lower, Upper) %>%
  mutate(OR = round(OR, digits = 3),
         Lower = round(Lower, digits = 3),
         Upper = round(Upper, digits = 3))



What we already know

What we want to know

What is the investment case from the investor's perspective?

Research questions

We can't answer all the previous questions (yet). So we focus on one:

What is the short-term effect of IRS on worker absenteeism and clinical illness among sugarcane workers?

Research site

par(mfrow = c(2,2))
     col = 'grey',
     border = 'white',
     lwd = 0.1)
for(i in (seq(0.5, 1.5, length = 2))^1.3){
  points(32.779401, -25.452049, col = adjustcolor('red', alpha.f = 0.5), cex = i)
     col = 'grey',
     border = 'white',
     lwd = 0.1)
for(i in (seq(0.5, 2.5, length = 3))^1.3){
  points(32.779401, -25.452049, col = adjustcolor('red', alpha.f = 0.5), cex = i)
man <- cism::man3
     col = 'grey', 
     border = 'white',
     lwd = 0.1)
title('Manhiça district')
for(i in (seq(0.5, 3, length = 4))^1.3){
  points(32.779401, -25.452049, col = adjustcolor('red', alpha.f = 0.5), cex = i)
plot(man[man@data$NAME_3 %in% c('Manhica - Sede', 'Maluana'),],
     col = 'grey', 
     border = 'white',
     lwd = 0.1)
title('Manhiça and Maluana posts')
for(i in (seq(0.5, 3.5, length = 4))^1.3){
  points(32.779401, -25.452049, col = adjustcolor('red', alpha.f = 0.5), cex = i)
par(mfrow = c(1,1))

Research Site II



Identification strategy

\begin{small} \begin{equation} \operatorname{Pr}(\text{Outcome} = 1 \mid \text{X}) = \beta_{0} + \beta_{1} \text{Location} + \beta_{2} \text{Season} + (\beta_3{IRS}*\beta_4{IRS_t} + ... ) \end{equation} \end{small}


We employ two approaches:

  1. Propensity score matching of workers who ever received IRS with workers who never received IRS. Advantage: No need to adjust for confounders with a matched sample, thereby avoiding reduction in degrees of freedom

  2. Regresion-discontinuity of only those workers who ever received IRS (ie, ignoring those who never received IRS). Advantage: Those who never received IRS may be qualitatively different, and therefore not an appropriate comparison group.

Propensity score matching {.allowframebreaks}


      align = 'c', 
      caption = 'Comparison of unmatched samples') %>%
  kableExtra::kable_styling(full_width = FALSE)


We match, employing the nearest neighbor method for identifying those workers from our control group who most resemble those workers in the treatment group. [@Ho_Imai_King_Stuart_2007].


kable(a$nn, digits = 2, align = 'c', 
      caption = 'Sample sizes')


The distributions of our numeric variables are now extremely similar:


kable(a$sum.matched[c(1,2,3,4)], digits = 2, align = 'c', 
      caption = 'Summary of balance for matched data') 


Regression discontinuity analysis


Descriptive: absenteeism by time from/to intervention

plot_data <-
  ab_panel %>%
  # filter(oracle_number %in% matched$oracle_number) %>%
  left_join(irs) %>%
  mutate(months_since = days_since %/% 30) %>%
  filter(!is.na(months_since)) %>%
  # mutate(time_period = lendable::time_period_extract(date)) %>%
  # mutate(time_period = as.character(time_period)) %>%
  mutate(time_period = make_season(date = date)) %>%
  mutate(absent_sick = ifelse(is.na(absent_sick), FALSE, absent_sick))

x <- plot_data %>%
  group_by(months_since) %>%
  summarise(absences = length(which(absent)),
            sick_absences = length(which(absent_sick)),
            eligibles = length(absent)) %>%
  ungroup %>%
  mutate(absenteeism_rate = absences / eligibles * 100) %>%
  mutate(sick_absenteeism_rate = sick_absences / eligibles * 100)

ggplot(data = x,
       aes(x = months_since,
           y = absenteeism_rate)) +
  geom_step(color = 'darkred', alpha = 0.8) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
  labs(x = 'Months relative to IRS',
       y = 'Absenteeism rate',
       title = 'Before/after IRS',
       subtitle = 'All absences') +

Descriptive: absenteeism by time from/to intervention (with local regression lines)

plot_data <-
  ab_panel %>%
  # filter(oracle_number %in% matched$oracle_number) %>%
  left_join(irs) %>%
  mutate(months_since = days_since %/% 30) %>%
  filter(!is.na(months_since)) %>%
  # mutate(time_period = lendable::time_period_extract(date)) %>%
  # mutate(time_period = as.character(time_period)) %>%
  mutate(time_period = make_season(date = date)) %>%
  mutate(absent_sick = ifelse(is.na(absent_sick), FALSE, absent_sick))

x <- plot_data %>%
  group_by(months_since) %>%
  summarise(absences = length(which(absent)),
            sick_absences = length(which(absent_sick)),
            eligibles = length(absent)) %>%
  ungroup %>%
  mutate(absenteeism_rate = absences / eligibles * 100) %>%
  mutate(sick_absenteeism_rate = sick_absences / eligibles * 100) %>%
  mutate(before = months_since < 0)

ggplot(data = x,
       aes(x = months_since,
           y = absenteeism_rate,
           group = before)) +
  geom_smooth() +
  geom_step(color = 'darkred', alpha = 0.8) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
  labs(x = 'Months relative to IRS',
       y = 'Absenteeism rate',
       title = 'Before/after IRS',
       subtitle = 'All absences') +

Descriptive: absenteeism by time from/to intervention (by time period)

plot_data <-
  ab_panel %>%
  # filter(oracle_number %in% matched$oracle_number) %>%
  left_join(irs) %>%
  mutate(months_since = days_since %/% 30) %>%
  filter(!is.na(months_since)) %>%
  # mutate(time_period = lendable::time_period_extract(date)) %>%
  # mutate(time_period = as.character(time_period)) %>%
  mutate(time_period = make_season(date = date)) %>%
  mutate(absent_sick = ifelse(is.na(absent_sick), FALSE, absent_sick))

x <- plot_data %>%
  group_by(months_since, time_period) %>%
  summarise(absences = length(which(absent)),
            sick_absences = length(which(absent_sick)),
            eligibles = length(absent)) %>%
  ungroup %>%
  mutate(absenteeism_rate = absences / eligibles * 100) %>%
  mutate(sick_absenteeism_rate = sick_absences / eligibles * 100) %>%
  mutate(before = months_since < 0)

ggplot(data = x %>% mutate(time_period = paste0(time_period)),
       aes(x = months_since,
           y = absenteeism_rate)) +
  geom_step(color = 'darkred', alpha = 0.8) +
  facet_wrap(~time_period, ncol = 1) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
  labs(x = 'Months relative to IRS',
       y = 'Absenteeism rate') +

Same chart with local regression lines

ggplot(data = x %>% mutate(time_period = paste0(time_period)),
       aes(x = months_since,
           y = absenteeism_rate,
           group = before)) +
  geom_smooth() +
  geom_step(color = 'darkred', alpha = 0.8) +
  facet_wrap(~time_period, ncol = 1) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = 0, lty = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
  labs(x = 'Months relative to IRS',
       y = 'Absenteeism rate') +

Modeling after matching I

Modeling after matching II

All absence:


# Combine into a df


Modeling after matching III

visualize_ors <- function(ors_object){
  ors_object <- ors_object %>% 
    filter(grepl('days_since', Variable),
           grepl('time_periodMalaria', Variable))
  ors_object <- ors_object %>%
    mutate(Variable = gsub('days_since', '', Variable),
           Variable = gsub(':time_periodMalaria season', '', Variable))
  ggplot(data = ors_object,
         aes(x = Variable,Variable,
             y = OR)) +
    geom_point(alpha = 0.7) +
    geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = Lower,
                       ymax = Upper),
                  alpha = 0.6,
                  size = 0.5) +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 1, lty = 2, alpha = 0.6, color = 'red') +
    labs(x = 'Days since IRS',
         y = 'OR (relative to pre-IRS period)',
         title = 'ORs during malaria season') +
visualize_ors(ors_object = ors_propensity)

Ever IRS'ers compared with never-IRS'ers

x <- model_data %>%
  group_by(days_since) %>%
  summarise(absences = length(which(absent)),
            eligibles = length(absent)) %>%
  ungroup %>%
  mutate(absenteeism_rate = absences / eligibles * 100)
y <- ab_panel %>%
  # filter(oracle_number %in% matched$oracle_number) %>%
  filter(!unidade %in% sort(irs$unidade)) %>%
  summarise(days_since = 'Never',
            absences = length(which(absent)),
            eligibles = n()) %>%
  mutate(absenteeism_rate = absences / eligibles * 100)
x <- bind_rows(x, y)
x$days_since <- factor(x$days_since,
                       levels = unique(c('Never',
cols <- c('red', rep('blue', nrow(x) - 1))
ggplot(data = x,
       aes(x = days_since,
           y = absenteeism_rate)) +
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity',
           alpha = 0.6,
           fill = cols) +
  theme_maragra() +
  labs(x = 'Days since IRS',
       y = 'Absenteeism rate',
       title = 'Raw absenteeism as a function of days since IRS') +
  geom_label(aes(label = paste0(round(absenteeism_rate, digits = 2), '%')))

Regression discontinuity analysis {.allowframebreaks}


All absenteeism:




\vfill \newpage

visualize_ors(ors_object = ors)

Back of the envelope calculations

# Get yearly absences / presences
x <- model_data %>%
  filter(time_period == 'Malaria season') %>%
  group_by(days_since) %>%
  summarise(absences = length(which(absent)),
            eligibles = n()) %>%
  ungroup %>%
  mutate(absenteeism_rate = absences / eligibles * 100)



7% ROI (ignoring clinical costs)




Thank you

Your "pre-publication peer review" comments are appreciated:

Email: joe@economicsofmalaria.com

Presentation: economicsofmalaria.com/ihmt.pdf

References {.allowframebreaks}

joebrew/maragra documentation built on Aug. 11, 2020, 8:39 p.m.