
# Appendix

What follows are some more details on 2017 vs. 2018 twitter attentio

## Tweets from sovereigntists referencing the prisoners and exilees

The silencing effect is not universal It appears to occur mostly from the imprisoned's political adversaries. Allies of the imprisoned - other sovereigntists and independentists - largely increased the frequency with which they tweeted about Oriol Junqueras after his imprisonment.

```{r, fig.height = 8}
make_plot(language = 'en',
who = 'junqueras',
people = unique(pd$person[pd$eix_indepe_unio %in% c('indepe', 'sobiranista')])) +
labs(x = '',
y = 'Tuits',
title = 'Twitter references to Oriol Junqueras',
subtitle = 'Before and after exile')

The below shows the same data for Puigdemont. With few exceptions, sovereigntist politicians tweeted about Puigdemont _more_ after his exile than before.

make_plot(language = 'en',
who = 'puigdemont',
people = unique(pd$person[pd$eix_indepe_unio %in% c('indepe', 'sobiranista')])) +
labs(x = '',
y = 'Tuits',
title = 'Twitter references to Carles Puigdemont',
subtitle = 'Before and after exile')

The below shows the same data for Carme Forcadell. Like other prisoners and exilees, most sovereigntists tweeted about her more following her imprisonment than prior to it.

make_plot(language = 'en',
who = 'forcadell',
people = unique(pd$person[pd$eix_indepe_unio %in% c('indepe', 'sobiranista')])) +
labs(x = '',
y = 'Tuits',
title = 'Twitter references to Carme Forcadell',
subtitle = 'Before and after imprisonment')

The below shows the same data for Toni Comín. He is lesser-known than the other politicians, but still saw a _general_ increase in tweets from political allies in 2018 relative to 2017.

make_plot(language = 'en',
who = 'comin',
people = unique(pd$person[pd$eix_indepe_unio %in% c('indepe', 'sobiranista')])) +
labs(x = '',
y = 'Tuits',
title = 'Twitter references to Toni Comín',
subtitle = 'Before and after exile')

## Tweets from unionists referencing the prisoners and exilees

make_plot(language = 'en',
who = 'junqueras',
people = unique(pd$person[!pd$eix_indepe_unio %in% c('indepe', 'sobiranista')])) +
labs(x = '',
y = 'Tuits',
title = 'Twitter references to Oriol Junqueras',
subtitle = 'Before and after imprisonment')

make_plot(language = 'en',
who = 'puigdemont',
people = unique(pd$person[!pd$eix_indepe_unio %in% c('indepe', 'sobiranista')])) +
labs(x = '',
y = 'Tuits',
title = 'Twitter references to Carles Puigdemont',
subtitle = 'Before and after exile')

make_plot(language = 'en',
who = 'forcadell',
people = unique(pd$person[!pd$eix_indepe_unio %in% c('indepe', 'sobiranista')])) +
labs(x = '',
y = 'Tuits',
title = 'Twitter references to Carme Forcadell',
subtitle = 'Before and after imprisonment')

make_plot(language = 'en',
who = 'comin',
people = unique(pd$person[!pd$eix_indepe_unio %in% c('indepe', 'sobiranista')])) +
labs(x = '',
y = 'Tuits',
title = 'Twitter references to Toni Comín',
subtitle = 'Before and after exile')

## By party

party_data <- 
pd %>%
group_by(person = party, year) %>%
summarise(puigdemont = sum(puigdemont),
junqueras = sum(junqueras),
forcadell = sum(forcadell),
comin = sum(comin))


make_plot(data = party_data,
people = sort(unique(pd$party)),
language = 'en',
who = 'junqueras',
add_at = FALSE) +
labs(x = '',
y = 'Tuits',
title = 'Twitter references to Oriol Junqueras',
subtitle = 'Before and after imprisonment')


make_plot(data = party_data,
people = sort(unique(pd$party)),
language = 'en',
who = 'puigdemont',
add_at = FALSE) +
labs(x = '',
y = 'Tuits',
title = 'Twitter references to Carles Puigdemont',
subtitle = 'Before and after exile')


make_plot(data = party_data,
people = sort(unique(pd$party)),
language = 'en',
who = 'forcadell',
add_at = FALSE) +
labs(x = '',
y = 'Tuits',
title = 'Twitter references to Carme Forcadell',
subtitle = 'Before and after imprisonment')


make_plot(data = party_data,
people = sort(unique(pd$party)),
language = 'en',
who = 'comin',
add_at = FALSE) +
labs(x = '',
y = 'Tuits',
title = 'Twitter references to Toni Comín',
subtitle = 'Before and after exile')
joebrew/vilaweb documentation built on Sept. 11, 2020, 3:42 a.m.