vecchia_Linv: Entries of inverse Cholesky approximation

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vecchia_LinvR Documentation

Entries of inverse Cholesky approximation


This function returns the entries of the inverse Cholesky factor of the covariance matrix implied by Vecchia's approximation. For return matrix Linv, Linv[i,] contains the non-zero entries of row i of the inverse Cholesky matrix. The columns of the non-zero entries are specified in NNarray[i,].


vecchia_Linv(covparms, covfun_name, locs, NNarray, start_ind = 1L)



A vector of covariance parameters appropriate for the specified covariance function


See GpGp for information about covariance functions.


matrix of locations. Row i of locs specifies the location of element i of y, and so the length of y should equal the number of rows of locs.


A matrix of indices, usually the output from find_ordered_nn. Row i contains the indices of the observations that observation i conditions on. By convention, the first element of row i is i.


Compute entries of Linv only for rows start_ind until the last row.


matrix containing entries of inverse Cholesky


n1 <- 40
n2 <- 40
n <- n1*n2
locs <- as.matrix( expand.grid( (1:n1)/n1, (1:n2)/n2 ) )
covparms <- c(2, 0.2, 0.75, 0)
NNarray <- find_ordered_nn(locs,20)
Linv <- vecchia_Linv(covparms, "matern_isotropic", locs, NNarray)

joeguinness/GpGp documentation built on Feb. 22, 2024, 9:43 a.m.