Man pages for joelgombin/cartoPOO
A POO approach to cartography

choropleth-methodsCreate a choropleth map
inset-methodsCreate insets of some subparts of the map
mapCreate a 'map' object
map.choropleth-classS4 class for choropleth maps
map-classS4 class for maps
map.flowS4 class for flow maps
mapHistogram-methodsAdds a legend as a histogram
mapLegend-methodsCreate a legend
map.loessS4 class for local-fitted (loess) maps
map.loess-classS4 class for local-fitted (loess) maps
map.loess-methodsCreate a smoothed map (loess method)
map.tpsS4 class for thin plate spline regressed maps
margins-methodsSet map margins
plotHistLegend-methodsPlots a legend as a histogram
plotLegend-methodsPlot a legend
joelgombin/cartoPOO documentation built on May 19, 2019, 3 p.m.