library(detectR)  # for now, built locally
# TODO : aller récupérer les données directement dans solr
load(file = "./data/anomaly_detection.Rdata")
# piwik <- read_csv("./data/PiwikExport_PageURLs_January2_March2_2017.csv")
livres <- read_csv("", 
                   col_types = cols(
  Title = col_character(),
  `ISBN (print format)` = col_character(),
  `ISBN (electronic format)` = col_character(),
  `Electronic Publication Date` = col_date(format = ""),
  Url = col_character(),
  Authors = col_character(),
  Publisher = col_character(),
  `Print Publication Date (Year)` = col_integer(),
  Abstract = col_character(),
  `Access policy` = col_character(),
  `Main language (ISO 639-1)` = col_character()
revues <- read_csv("")
carnets <- read_csv("")
livres <- livres %>%
  mutate(Title = stringr::str_replace_all(Title, "'|’", "'"))
revues <- revues %>%
    mutate(Title = stringr::str_replace_all(Title, "'|’", "'"))
carnets <- carnets %>%
    mutate(Title = stringr::str_replace_all(Title, "'|’", "'"))

Sidebar {.sidebar}

selectInput("plateforme", label = "Choisir la plateforme", choices = c("Hypothè" = "carnets", "" = "revues", "OpenEdition Books" = "livres"), multiple = TRUE, selected = "carnets")

  # tags$button(
  #         id = "carnets",
  #         class = "btn action_button",
  #         tags$img(src = "./www/img/hypotheses_baselineEN.png",
  #                  width = "50px",
  #                  `background-color` = "#ffffff")
  #       )
  #   tags$button(
  #         id = "revues",
  #         class = "btn action_button",
  #         tags$img(src = "./www/img/logo_revues.png",
  #                  width = "50px",
  #                  `background-color` = "#ffffff")
  #       )
  # tags$button(
  #         id = "books",
  #         class = "btn action_button",
  #         tags$img(src = "./www/img/logo-oeb.png",
  #                  width = "50px",
  #                  `background-color` = "#ffffff")
  #       )
  # tags$button(
  #         id = "calenda",
  #         class = "btn action_button",
  #         tags$img(src = "./www/img/calenda.png",
  #                  width = "50px",
  #                  style="background-color:white")
  #       )

checkboxInput("checkPublication", label = "Sélectionner un espace de publication ?", value = FALSE)

  condition = "input.checkPublication == true",
  selectInput("publication", label = "Choisir un espace de publication", selectize = TRUE, choices = c(""))
# selectInput("publication", label = "Choisir un espace de publication", selectize = TRUE, choices = c(""))
  choix <- NULL
  if (!is.null(input$plateforme)) {
    if (input$plateforme %in% "carnets") {
      choix <- carnets[["Title"]]
    } else if (input$plateforme %in% "revues") {
      choix <- revues[["Title"]]
    } else if (input$plateforme %in% "livres") {
      choix <- livres[["Title"]]
    choix <- c("Choisir un espace de publication" = "", choix)
  #   print(str(choix))
    updateSelectInput(session, inputId = "publication", choices = choix, selected = NULL)

sliderInput("sensitivite", label = "Seuil de sensitivité", min = 0, max = 250, value = 150, step = 10)

Non expert

Column {data-width=30%}

Le top 100


output$top100 <- DT::renderDataTable(tibble(Titre = c("Le vrai doc", "Deuxième titre"), Auteur= c("Marin", "Elodie"), Visites = c(1000, 500)))

Column {data-width=70%}

La courbe

# library(dygraphs)
# dygraphOutput("dygraph")



visites <- reactive({
  xts::xts(counts$countconsult, counts$timestamp)

piwik_ts <- reactive({
  xts::xts(piwik$`Unique Pageviews`, piwik$Date)

anomalies_ts <- reactive({
  tmp <- piwik %>% filter(`Unique Pageviews` > input$sensitivite)
  tmp <- tmp %>%
    mutate(title = "!",
           text = "Un lecteur inattendu ?")

bandes <- reactive({
  anomalies_ts() %>%
    mutate(limite_avant = Date) %>%
    mutate(limite_apres = Date) %>%
    # mutate(diff = as.duration(Date %--% lag(Date))) %>%
    mutate(limite_avant = if_else(as.duration(lag(Date) %--% Date) > ddays(1), as.Date(Date), lag(limite_avant), missing = Date)) %>%
    mutate(limite_apres = if_else(as.duration(Date %--% lead(Date)) > ddays(1), as.Date(Date), lag(limite_apres), missing = Date)) %>%
    select(Date, limite_avant, limite_apres) %>%
    distinct(limite_avant, limite_apres)

# plotbands <- reactive({
# tmp <-  bandes() %>%
#     by_row(..f = function(row) {
#       from <- paste0("Date.UTC(", year(row[["limite_avant"]]), ",", month(row[["limite_avant"]]) - 1, ",", day(row[["limite_avant"]]), ")")
#       to <- paste0("Date.UTC(", year(row[["limite_apres"]]), ",", month(row[["limite_apres"]]) - 1, ",", day(row[["limite_apres"]]), ")")
#       list(from = htmlwidgets::JS(from),
#            to = htmlwidgets::JS(to),
#            color = "rgba(100, 0, 0, 0.1)")
#       }
#       )
# tmp$.out
# })

plotbands <- reactive({
tmp <-  bandes() %>%
    by_row(..f = function(row) {
      from <- datetime_to_timestamp(row[["limite_avant"]])
      to <- datetime_to_timestamp(row[["limite_apres"]])
      list(from = from,
           to = to,
           color = "rgba(100, 0, 0, 0.1)")

output$timeplot <- renderHighchart({
  highchart(type = "stock") %>%
    hc_add_series(piwik_ts(), id = "piwik") %>%
    hc_add_series(anomalies_ts(), hcaes(x = Date), type = "flags", onSeries = "piwik")  %>%
    hc_xAxis(plotBands = plotbands())

# output$dygraph <- renderDygraph({
#   dygraph(visites(), main = "Visites") %>%
#     dySeries(label = "visites", color = "black") %>%
#     dyRoller(rollPeriod = 10) %>%
#     dyRangeSelector() # %>%
#     # dyShading(from = "1920-1-1", to = "1930-1-1", color = "#FFE6E6") %>%
#     # dyShading(from = "1940-1-1", to = "1950-1-1", color = "#CCEBD6")
# })

Spécificité de la répartition des lecteurs

leaflet() %>%

Spécificité des referrers

hchart(diamonds$cut, type = "column")

joelgombin/detectR documentation built on May 21, 2019, 7:55 a.m.