Title: mathstat README file Purpose: Provide overview of mathstat package Last Updated: 12/12/2018

Package Overview: This package illustrates the applicability of the concepts and alogrithms covered in 8th edition of the text Introduction to Mathematical Statics by Hogg, McKean, and Craig (2018). The topics in which these functions apply to includes but are not limited to the following:

  1. Probability and Distributions
  2. Multivariate Distributions
  3. Some Special Distributions
  4. Some Elementary Statistical Inferences
  5. Consistency and Limiting Distributions
  6. Maximum Likelihood Methods
  7. Sufficiency
  8. Optimal Test of Hypothesis
  9. Inference About Normal Linear Models
  10. Nonparametric and Robust Statistics
  11. Bayesian Statistics

Directories and Files:

R: Contains code for all the functions including the roxygen2 code for documentation

data: Contains all the data files included in the package (which are available to users to load after the package is installed)

man: Contains the functions' manuals (.Rd files) which where compiled by roxgyen2

tests: Contains all the unit test files for each of the functions in the R directory

vignettes: Contains the package's vignette (.Rmd file).

DESCRIPTION: Contains the mathstat package's metadata

NAMESPACE: Contains the mathstat package's working environment

mathstat.Rproj: mathstat package's executable developer environment file

Package installation: 1. devtools::install_github("joemckean/mathstat")

  1. library(mathstat)

joemckean/mathstat documentation built on May 30, 2019, 2:01 p.m.