Man pages for joergrieger/ltvar
Estimates Latent Threshold VAR Model

compute_impulse_responsesFunction to draw one single path for the impulse-response...
forecastforecasting using an ltvar model
forecast.ltvarforecasting using an ltvar model
fSampLTsample the latent thresholds
fSampSPGsamples sigma, phi and gamma for stochastic volatility...
fSVSampimplements multi-move sampler for SV model
impulse_responseimpulse-responses for latent threshold VARs
impulse_response.ltvarImpulse-responses for latent threshold VARs.
jpdataJapanese Macroeconomic data
ltvarMCMC computation of latent-threshold models.
joergrieger/ltvar documentation built on Sept. 11, 2019, 10:21 a.m.