Man pages for johannabertl/ApproxML
Approximate maximum likelihood estimation

HermiteIntegrationGauss-Hermite quadrature
KDKW.FDApproximate maximum likelihood algorithm based on...
KDKW.FD.CRNApproximate maximum likelihood algorithm based on...
KDKW.FD.CRN_indApproximate maximum likelihood algorithm based on...
KDKW.SPApproximate maximum likelihood algorithm based on stochastic...
LIKpoisson_glmmLikelihood of the Poisson GLMM
SIMCRNpoisson_glmm_regrSimulation function for a Poisson model with one random...
SIMCRNpoisson_glmm_regr_indSimulation function for a Poisson model with one random...
SIMCRNpoisson_glmm_simpleSimulation function for a Poisson model with fixed mean and...
SIMpoisson_glmm_regrSimulation function for a Poisson model with one random...
SIMpoisson_glmm_regr_indSimulation function for a Poisson model with one random...
SIMpoisson_glmm_simpleSimulation function for a Poisson model with fixed mean and...
STARTlikLikelihood estimation for starting points
johannabertl/ApproxML documentation built on May 22, 2019, 2:19 p.m.