
Persons contributing to this project agree to the code of conduct and agree to the potential redistribution of their code under our license.

Contribution Overview

The adopted contribution process requires that the collaborators fork the original repository and create pull requests for the changes to be approved by a team member. Here are some useful commands:

  1. After forking the original repository, clone this forked version (as instructed by CristinaSolana):
git clone
  1. Add remote from original repository in your forked repository:
cd into/cloned/fork-repo
git remote add upstream git://
git fetch upstream
  1. Updating your fork from original repo to keep up with their changes:

    1. Fetch the branches and their commits from the upstream repository. git git fetch upstream
    2. Got to your fork's local master branch: git checkout master
    3. Merge the changes from upstream/master into the local master branch: git merge upstream/master
  2. After completing some tasks:

    1. Add all files that have been worked on git add .
    2. Add commit message git commit -m '[COMMIT MESSAGE]'
    3. Push anytime after that git push
    4. Navigate to Compare changes and create pull request for the branch of interest.
  3. Wait for a member of the team to merge pull request.

Contributor Agreement:



Each group member is responsible to be:

Contribute to the project

Where to Contribute (Workflow)

Using GitHub

  1. We can use GitHub flow (branch) to manage changes:
  2. Clone this repo. Create a new branch in your desktop copy of this repository for each significant change.
  3. Commit the change in that branch (about branch).
  4. Submit a pull request from that branch to the master repository.
  5. If you receive feedback, make changes on your desktop and push to your branch on GitHub: the pull request will update automatically.
  6. **If a major change is made by any person, tag atleast two other contributors. If this change is approved by all → accept pull request.

  7. We also use GitHub flow (fork) to manage changes:

  8. Fork (How to fork), then clone this repo.
  9. Push that branch to your fork of this repository on GitHub.
  10. Submit a pull request
  11. If you receive feedback, make changes on your desktop and push to your branch on GitHub: the pull request will update automatically.
  12. **If a major change is made by any person, tag atleast two other contributors. If this change is approved by all → accept pull request.

How to Contribute

Code comment

Commit message

 git commit -m "A brief summary of the commit

 A paragraph describing what changed and its impact."
git commit -m "Concise summary of what you did here"

Testing conventions

Coding convention


This document was adapted from here.

johannesharmse/watsonNLU documentation built on May 21, 2019, 12:04 p.m.