Man pages for johnbaums/rmaxent
Tools for working with Maxent in R

entropyExtract model entropy
get_maxentDownload maxent.jar into dismo/java
icCalculate information criteria for Maxent models
import_maxentImport a Maxent model as a MaxEnt object
limitingCalculate which factors limit predicted habitat suitability
maxent_versionsShow available versions of Maxent
n_featuresExtract the number of features used in a Maxent model
parse_lambdasParse Maxent lambdas information
print.lambdasPrint rmaxent lambdas objects
projectProject a fitted Maxent model
read_mxeRead raster data stored in Maxent's mxe format
rmaxentrmaxent: Tools for working with Maxent in R
similarityCalculate Multivariate Environmental Similarity
simplifyIdentify an uncorrelated, useful subset of Maxent predictors
to_cloglogTransform raw or logistic values to cloglog values
to_logisticTransform raw or cloglog values to logistic values
johnbaums/rmaxent documentation built on July 3, 2020, 5:36 p.m.