Man pages for johnmyleswhite/FourierDescriptors
Generate images using Fourier descriptors.

complicate.fourier.descriptorAdd amplitude weights to the zero-weighted frequencies of an...
create.fourier.descriptorCreate a new Fourier descriptor.
cumbendEvaluate the angular position of a Fourier descriptor at... a set of spatial coordinates induced by a Fourier...
FourierDescriptors-packageGenerate closed planar contours using Fourier descriptors.
plot.fourier.descriptorPlot a Fourier descriptor object. Requires ggplot2.
print.fourier.descriptorPrint a Fourier descriptor object.
random.fourier.descriptorCreate a new Fourier descriptor object with randomly assigned...
simplify.fourier.descriptorAssign zero amplitude to some of the non-zero frequencies of...
johnmyleswhite/FourierDescriptors documentation built on May 19, 2019, 5:17 p.m.