Man pages for johnrbryant/demprep
Prepare Demographic Data

as_date_range_customConvert non-ambiguous labels for customised periods or...
as_date_range_monthConvert non-ambiguous labels fopr one-month periods or...
as_date_range_multiConvert non-ambiguous labels for multi-year periods or...
as_date_range_quarterConvert non-ambiguous labels for one-quarter periods or...
as_date_range_yearConvert non-ambiguous labels for one-year periods or cohorts
clean_ageClean up age group labels
clean_cohortClean up cohort labels
clean_periodTidy period labels
date_to_age_monthConvert dates to one-month age groups
date_to_age_quarterConvert dates to quarter (three-month) age groups
date_to_age_yearConvert dates to one-year age groups
date_to_cohort_monthConvert dates to one-month cohorts
date_to_cohort_quarterConvert dates to quarter (three-month) cohorts
date_to_cohort_yearConvert dates to one-year cohorts
date_to_period_monthConvert dates to one-month periods
date_to_period_quarterConvert dates to quarter (three-month) periods
date_to_period_yearConvert dates to one-year periods
date_to_triangle_monthConvert dates to one-month Lexis triangles
date_to_triangle_quarterConvert dates to one-quarter (three-month) Lexis triangles
date_to_triangle_yearConvert dates to one-year Lexis triangles
demprepdemprep: Prepare demographic data
flip_to_startChange the format of one-year period or cohort labels
format_age_birthsCreate consistent, complete age groups for tabulating births
format_age_customCreate consistent, complete customized age groups
format_age_lifetabCreate consistent, complete life table age group
format_age_monthCreate consistent, complete one-month age groups
format_age_multiCreate consistent, complete multi-year age groups
format_age_quarterCreate consistent, complete quarter (three month) age groups
format_age_yearCreate consistent, complete single-year age groups
format_cohort_customCreate consistent, complete customised cohorts
format_cohort_monthCreate consistent, complete one-month cohorts
format_cohort_multiCreate consistent, complete multi-year cohorts
format_cohort_quarterCreate consistent, complete quarter (three-month) cohorts
format_cohort_yearCreate consistent, complete single-year cohorts
format_period_customCreate consistent, complete customised periods
format_period_monthCreate consistent, complete one-month periods
format_period_multiCreate consistent, complete multi-year periods
format_period_quarterCreate consistent, complete quarter (three-month) periods
format_period_yearCreate consistent, complete single-year periods
format_triangle_birthsFormat labels for Lexis triangles used when tabulating births
format_triangle_monthFormat labels for quarter Lexis triangles
format_triangle_multiFormat labels for multi-year Lexis triangles
format_triangle_quarterFormat labels for quarter Lexis triangles
format_triangle_yearFormat labels for one-year Lexis triangles
icebirthsBirths in Iceland
impute_dateImpute a vector of dates
impute_dobImpute a vector of dates of birth
is_valid_ageCheck for valid age group labels
is_valid_cohortCheck for valid cohort labels
is_valid_periodCheck for valid period labels
make_labels_categoriesMake Categories labels
make_labels_datepointsMake DatePoints labels
make_labels_daterangesMake DateRanges labels
make_labels_directionsMake Directions labels
make_labels_integersMake Integers labels
make_labels_intervalsMake Intervals labels
make_labels_monthsMake Months labels
make_labels_quantilesMake Quantiles labels
make_labels_quantitiesMake Quantities labels
make_labels_quartersMake Quarters labels
make_labels_trianglesMake Triangles labels
nzdeathsDeaths in New Zealand
plot_date_to_age_monthDepict the intervals created by function 'date_to_age_month'
plot_date_to_age_quarterDepict the intervals created by function...
plot_date_to_age_yearDepict the intervals created by function 'date_to_age_year'
plot_date_to_cohort_monthDepict the intervals created by function...
plot_date_to_cohort_quarterDepict the intervals created by function...
plot_date_to_cohort_yearDepict the intervals created by function...
plot_date_to_period_monthDepict the intervals created by function...
plot_date_to_period_quarterDepict the intervals created by function...
plot_date_to_period_yearDepict the intervals created by function...
plot_date_to_triangle_monthDepict the Lexis triangles created by function...
plot_date_to_triangle_quarterDepict the Lexis triangles created by function...
plot_date_to_triangle_yearDepict the Lexis triangles created by function...
johnrbryant/demprep documentation built on Dec. 31, 2021, 11:58 a.m.