  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
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options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE)

Hello! If you're reading this tutorial, you're probably wondering how exactly rezonateR works, how to import data into rezonateR and how to understand how the data is then structured internally. If this describes your situation, then this tutorial is for you!

If you are not yet familiar with what rezonateR does and want to see if this is the right tool for you, here are some pages that will work better for you:

+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | - If you are not very familiar with the | | Rezonator program that this package is | | the companion tool of, I recommend going through the [toy | | exampl | | | | e] | | ( | | | | vignette("sample_proj") first, which gives a concrete example of | | a mini-research project in rezonateR. | | | | - If you are familiar with Rezonator but not yet with what | | rezonateR does, the | | overview | | vignette("overview") gives a bird's-eye view of how | | rezonateR can be useful for accompanying your Rezonator work. | | | | None of the content in those tutorials is strictly | | prerequisites for this one, but they help motivate why | | rezonateR is useful and help you decide whether rezonateR | | is a useful tool for you to learn. This tutorial gets into the | | nitty gritty of how to code with rezonateR, rather than | | discussing the big picture. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------+

In this tutorial, you will learn about:

  1. The structure of Rezonator (.rez) files, including a brief introduction to the structure of Rezonator's internal JSON format
  2. How to import your Rezonator files into rezonateR
  3. How to save and load your data as rezrObj objects, the central data structure of rezonateR
  4. Learn how the linguistic data is structured as a nodeMap inside a rezrObj
  5. Learn how the data.frame rezrDF inside a rezrObj is structured, and some basic functions for manipulating these data frames (rezrDFs)

Rezonator file structure

Before we start talking about the details of importing, saving and loading in rezonateR, we need to familiarise ourselves with how Rezonator data is formatted first. In this section, we will:

Elements in a Rezonator file

To discuss the different elements of a Rezonator file, in this tutorial we will be using a simple Rezonator file. This file contains a minimal amount of annotation - just enough to explain the basic workings of rezonateR without being bogged down in long loading times that would result from a more extensively annotated files.

The data used in this example is from the text A Tree's Life (SBC007), a conversation between two sisters from the Santa Barbara Corpus of Spoken American English. The first 162 lines have been annotated and will be used in this tutorial; they deal with the topic of one of the sisters' roommates. (The data is also available through the sbc007 object in the package itself, where a detailed description of the annotations included may be found.)

Figure 1 shows an excerpt close to the beginning of the conversation in Rezonator:

Figure 1{width="77%"}

In this file, each line is referred to as a unit, which in this context is an intonation unit (though lines may be sentences, clauses or other larger structures in other contexts.) Each unit consists of a series of tokens ('words') separate by spaces.

Tracks and trails

The file has been annotated for coreference chains, or trails. A trail consists of several mentions or referential expressions that refer to the same entity, each of which is individual called a track. They are connected by wavy lines in Rezonator. Here is one example:

Figure 2{width="100%"}

Here, the Tim and the two hes refer to the same person.


When there is a clause with an implicit participant that is not overtly expressed in the linguistic form, the symbol \<0> is used to indicate the absence of such a form, and also included in a trail. Here is an example:

Figure 3{width="100%"}

Notice that the two occurrences of I on Line 2 are linked together with a purple link, along with the zero on line 3.


A 'chunk' in a Rezonator is a sequence of tokens within a unit, often a type of phrase such as a noun phrase. There are two types of chunks (elements represented by rectangles) in this file: Chunks that have been created as tracks which form part of a trail (mostly referential expressions), and verbal complexes, which are 'blank chunks', i.e. do not belong to any trail and appear with grey borders. The following figure shows some examples of these verbal chunks:

Figure 4{width="100%"}

In this example, auxiliaries, negation and similar elements are placed inside these verbal complexes, as one can see from wasn't gonna do.

Chunks have been annotated for two properties inside Rezonator. chunkType is verb for verbs and left blank for referential expressions, allowing us to distinguish between the two when importing into rezonateR later. largerChunk is the larger chunk to which a chunk belongs, which will be discussed later. These are shown in Figure 5:

Figure 5{width="100%"}

In this image, said is a verb and all the other chunks are referential expressions.


In Rezonator, trees are structures used to indicate relationships between words/chunks and other words/chunks. In ths file we're working with, there are a number of two-layered trees that indicate argument structure of each verb. The root of each tree is the verb, and the arguments are the leaves. The following figure shows the argument structure of Line 4, with defeats as the root with three children: a zero subject, the object the purpose of getting up in the morning, and the adverb kinda:

Figure 6{width="100%"}

The links between different parts of a tree are also tagged with the field Relation. In this file, tree links are annotated as Relation = "Subject" when it indicates a subject-verb relation; otherwise Relation is left blank.

Installing rezonateR

In the sections below, you may benefit by following along with the code. To do this, use the following code:


Node maps: The secret life of Rezonator files

The .rez files produced by Rezonator are visualised through the Rezonator interface, but they lead a secret double life! Internally, they are represented by a structure called a node map. All entities inside .rez files are represented as nodes, which store information in the form of text, numbers and pointers to other nodes. In this section, we will quickly explore the node map, which you usually don't need to deal with directly inside rezonateR, but provides an important basis to understand how rezonateR works.

To get an idea of what the node map looks like, let's load a .rez file. (You will never need to do this directly when working in rezonateR, as the import function will handle it for you; this is for demonstration purposes only.) We'll extract the node map from the .rez file after importing it into R, and then store it in the variable rez007_nm. The R package rjson converts the JSON format into a list format suitable for access using R code.

path = system.file("extdata", "sbc007.rez", package = "rezonateR", mustWork = T)

rez007_json = rjson::fromJSON(file = path)
rez007_nm = rez007_json[["ROOT"]][[1]][["nodeMap"]]

Let's zero on to a single node. The simplest type of node is a token, or a 'word' (this may be a morpheme or some other unit depending on the language and data you're working with.). Inside the Rezonator interface, tokens are the basic unit that you may interact with. Let's try the word midnight. The word midnight that you see on the screen has an ID of 28A862601A235, and that's the key we access it from the node map by. Let's go ahead and examine some of the information embeddded inside the node:

midnight = rez007_nm[["28A862601A235"]]
print(paste0("type: ", midnight$type))
print(paste0("docTokenSeq: ", midnight$docTokenSeq))
print(paste0("unit: ", midnight$unit))
print(paste0("place: ", midnight$place))
print(paste0("inEntryList: ", midnight$inEntryList))
print(paste0("inChainsList: ", midnight$inChainsList))
print(paste0("inChunkList: ", midnight$inChunkList))
print(sapply(midnight$tagMap, c))

The type value indicates that we're looking at a token; other type values might be chunk, stack, etc. docTokenSeq indicates the position of the word within the document. unit is a pointer to the node that contains the token's unit. place gives the position of the token within the unit.

The next three are lists of pointers to larger structures that may contain the token. These 'lists' in .rez files are represented by vectors, not lists, in R. inEntryList, inChainsList and inChunkList give the entries, chains and chunks in which 'midnight' are found. We will discuss entries in the next section. A chain can be a Track chain, i.e. trail, or a Rez chain, i.e. a resonance. In this case, 'midnight' was put in a trail, albeit one that contains only itself (i.e. it is a singleton), which is why you see a coloured box around the word, but no links emanating from it ({width="43" height="17"}) .So we do see a pointer to the track chain. It does not belong to any chunks, i.e. the larger rectangles typically consisting of multiple words.

The tagMap of a specific node includes the tags that were given when the raw file was first imported into Rezonator, as well as tags that were created by Rezonator or manually added in Rezonator. The tags in this specific example were all given during import; we will see examples of these later.

Tokens and units

An entry is the intermediate layer between units and tokens. As a general rule, entries correspond one-to-one with tokens. This is a technicality that you will occasionally need to know when working in rezonateR.

A unit contains list of pointers referring to each individual entry that is found within any unit of data (e.g. within an intonation unit). This list can be accessed through the argument entryList. To look up individual tokens from a unit, then, you will have to go to individual entries' nodes to look up the corresponding token. For example, here is the entryList of the unit 2D1B3667B6110:

# entryList of unit 2D1B3667B6110:

To look up the first token in this unit, the word if, you need to look at the token value of the associated entry:

#Token corresponding to entry 24796648BFF31:

Let's now verify that this token is indeed the word if:

#Text of the token A27E39A69272:


A 'chunk' in a Rezonator is a sequence of tokens within a unit, often a type of phrase such as a noun phrase. A chunk is automatically created whenever you add a track or rez entry that spans more than one token, but not when you add a single-token track or rez entry. So, for example, in the following figure: midnight was not put inside a chunk, but the purpose of getting up in the morning was put in a chunk the moment it became part of a track chain.

Figure 7: A Rezonator screenshot with several chunks and two

There are also chunks that do not belong to any chains, sometimes called blank chunks. In this document, blank chunks are used to mark verbal complexes in English, including verbs and auxiliaries, as well as any intervening adverbs, as you can see in the figure. When a nominal intervenes between the auxiliary and the verb, the auxiliary is excluded from the verb chunk.

The word Stay on line 3 belongs to a blank chunk containing only Stay, and a chunk Stay up late in a track chain. Let's look at those two chunks. The ID for the token Stay is 1A0742C9033E5:

#Chunks that contain 1A0742C9033E5:

So the two chunks that contain Stay are 35E3E0AB6803A Stay up late and 15B9BB5D5086C Stay. 35E3E0AB6803A is the larger chunk that belongs to a chain (note that the individual token Stay 1A0742C9033E5 does not belong in the chain):

#Chains that contain 35E3E0AB6803A:
#Chains that contain 1A0742C9033E5:

A manually added field in this file, chunkType, specifies the type of chunk that a certain chunk is. The field is blank for mentions in track chains, but filled for verbs:

#chunkType of 35E3E0AB6803A:
#chunkType of 15B9BB5D5086C:

This point will be important later on when we import, as it will be used to separate chunks into layers.

Entries, links and chains

Rezonator currently has three data types that are termed 'chains'. Each of them have specific names for their entries. They are:

Let's look at the track 1BF2260B4AB78, which corresponds to the chunk Stay up late 35E3E0AB6803A in Figure 8 above:


Stay up late belongs to the chain, and corresponds to the 'token' 35E3E0AB6803A (this 'token' ID is actually a chunk - this is a quirk of the .rez format that will be important to remember when working in rezonateR) . goalLinkList is a list of links that starts from this entry. Links live in a world of their own and are not particularly important for working in rezonateR, so we can safely ignore them for now.

To find out the member entries that a chain contains, you can look at its setIDList.


Entries and chains, like tokens (and units), have tagMaps, and these generally correspond to tags generated or manually added in Rezonator. Here's the tagMap of the track and trail we've seen. The track contains the tags gapWords (number of words from the previous track) and gapUnits (number of units from the previous track), as well as counts for the number of tokens and characters inside the track. The tag chainSize indicates the number of entries inside the chain. These are all automatically generated by Rezonator and will be covered in more detail when discussing coreference.

sapply(rez007_nm[["1BF2260B4AB78"]]$tagMap, c)
sapply(rez007_nm[["2A01379C5D049"]]$tagMap, c)

The tree map

Information related to trees reside in a sub-map of their own, separate from the other things we've been discussing so far. Here is an example of a tree from this file, containing the word 'midnight' we have discussed some time ago:

Figure 11: An image of a dependency tree in the Rezonator interface,
with the root word ''m', linked to the dependents *I*, *up*, *after

There are three types of entities inside the tree map: treeEntry, treeLink and tree:

Unlike other links, treeLinks are important in working with rezonateR!

The ID for the tree you see in the image is 10F850E894052. Let's first see which tokens and treeEntrys it consists of:


Note that the above lists include other parts of the IU that were not actually included in the tree (but which appear on the Rezonator interface for you to add); you will often have to exclude them from analysis.

Now let's examine one of the entries more closely. 31630BD346EC7 is the ID of after midnight, and we can examine some of its attributes. The sourceLink attribute gives the ID of the link to after midnight link from 'm, and tokenList gives the token IDs for the two tokens after and midnight:


And to wrap it up, how about looking at the link? We can look at its source (parent) and goal (child) treeEntry IDs, as well as its tag Relation, which I've annotated as Subj:


Importing Rezonator files and saving/loading rezonateR files

Now that we've studied the basic structure of a Rezonator file, it's time to actually start using rezonateR. In this section of the tutorial, we will:

Importing Rezonator files

Let's now actually import the file into rezonateR! Obviously our first step is to import the package:


The import function is importRez(). When importing, there are two important settings you will need to set. We will store the values of these settings in variables before importing. The first one is layerRegex:

layerRegex = list(chunk = list(field = "chunkType",
                               regex = c("verb"),
                               names = c("verb", "refexpr")))

layerRegex allows you to separate chunks, tracks, rezes and trees as well as associated entities such as trails and treeEntrys into layers. (At the moment, it is not technically possible for there to be stack layers, so this has not ye been implemented for stacks.) Each layer will receive a separate data frame.

In this file, we have two types of chunks: verbs and (largely) referential expressions. Verbs are annotated with the chunkType value 'verb', and referential expressions are unannotated. In order to tell this to rezonateR, we need to set pass a list to layerRegex. Permissible keys to this list include chunk, track, rez, tree; you can't use other keywords (such as 'trail').

Each of these entries is another list with three values: field, regex and names. The element field specifies the name of the field that will determine layer status (usually a dedicated field for determining the layer, which in this case is chunkType). The element regex specifies a list of regular expressions which, if matched in the field specified by field, will put an entity in a certain layer. The element names specifies the layer names; when it has one more item than the regex list (in this case the extra item is "refexpr"), then that layer is for items that do not match any of the regexes.

If you do not assign layers to any of chunk, track, rez and tree, everything will be placed in a layer called default. In our case, track, rez and tree (and their related entities, such as treeEntry or resonance) are all put in a layer called default. We will see how this works later on.

The other setting is concatFields:

concatFields = c("text", "transcript")

When we are just looking at nodeMaps, we often feel lost because many nodes do not have any semblance of text on them. This is undesirable when we are doing analysis using data imported into rezonateR. In order to fix this, we can concatenate the text or transript fields of the tokens associated with each node, and this concatenated text will then be stored in the data frames that make up a rezonateR object. These fields must be specified as a vector passed to concatFields.

Here is the import function, using the settings from above. If you're following on in R, do note that this takes long to run! The tree-related steps should, in particular, take extra time to process.

rez007 = importRez(path,
                   layerRegex = layerRegex,
                   concatFields = concatFields)

Saving and loading rezonateR objects

The variable rez007 belongs to the class rezrObj. To save the imported rezrObj (something you will definitely want to do - nobody wants to import again!), use the function rez_save(). To load it again, use the function rez_load(). Both functions are quite easy: rez_save() simply requires a rezrObj and a save path, and rez_load() only a path to load from.

savePath = "rez007.Rdata"
rez_save(rez007, savePath)
rez007 = rez_load(savePath)

A rezrObj consists of two components: a nodeMap and a bunch of rezrDFs. Let's look at the nodeMap object first.

Meeting our nodeMap again

If you felt a bit lost when we were exploring .rez files before, here's some good news: nodeMaps in rezonateR are slightly easier to navigate than the node map in .rez files (phew)! The only major difference is that in rezonateR nodeMaps, every item type belongs to its own list. So the nodes in rez007's nodeMap are organised into these categories:


From nodeMap to rezrDF

The rezrDF is the soul of rezonateR. rezrDFs are similar to each individual entity list in the rezonateR nodeMap. However, instead of a list (dictionary) representation, rezrDFs are data frames, with each row being a node, and each column being its attributes.

There are a few ways in which columns are not identical to node attributes:

Each entity type in a rezrObj (token, track, trail, etc.) has a corresponding rezrDF or set of rezrDFs (tokenDF, trackDF, trailDF, etc.) that is directly accessed from the rezrObj. For example, to access the rezrDF corresponding to tokens, you would use rez007$tokenDF. Other than nodeMap, all the top-level entries of a rezrObj are rezrDFs:


Here is the beginning of the tokenDF. Notice the id column at the beginning, and the tags all getting their own columns:


Layers of rezDFs

For entity types with more than one layer, such as chunk or trail, there is a list of rezrDFs instead of a single rezrDF. For example, rez007$chunkDF contains two rezrDFs. Note that there is a column layer that contains the name of the layer, which will be identical across all rows in a rezrDF:


Meanwhile, rez007$trailDF contains only one, default:


When you have multiple layers, in many cases you will need to combine information from all layers to perform certain actions in rezonateR. There are functions to do this conveniently. combineLayers() combines all rezrDFs of a certain entity type. To use it, simply specify the rezrObj and the entity type as a string. There is an additional parameter, type, which may take the values "intersect" or "union". This determines whether fields not present in all layers will be removed, or retained with NA values for rows in rezrDFs that don't have that column.

head(combineLayers(rez007, "chunk", type = "intersect"))
#head(combineChunks(rez007, type = "intersect")) #Does the same thing

Correspondence between higher-level and lower-level structures

In the nodeMap, we often see lists of values when a higher-level structure consists of several elements of a lower structure, e.g. units contain a list of entries inside it. However, these lists are all eliminated from rezrDF representations. Notice the lack of entry lists in the unitDF:


This is for simplicity's sake. Although it is technically possible to include these lists in data frames, it is clumsy and will likely slow down rezonateR a lot to do so.

Of course, understandably sometimes we will still need to refer to each individual component of a larger entity. The function getLowerFieldList() is a way, if somewhat clumsy, of doing this. In this example, we extract the 'kinds' (Word, Pause, etc.) of the tokens of certain units:

  fieldName = "kind",
  simpleDF = rez007$entryDF,
  complexDF = rez007$unitDF,
  complexNodeMap = rez007$nodeMap$unit,
  listName = "entryList",
  complexIDs = c("2AD10A854E6D3", "BDD7D839325A", "2752E3B395FC1")

The arguments to this function are:

This is a very complicated function. One annoying use case is to get properties of tokens from track entries, so I provide the function getTrackTokens() to do this easily. For example, this code extracts the kind value of tracks:

getTrackTokens(rez007, fieldName = "kind", trackDF = rez007$trackDF$default)[1:3]

In general, though, it is preferable to minimise this type of extraction. The coming tutorials will explain how we can do common operations without resorting to using getLowerFieldList(); for example, addFieldForeign() in EasyEdit (see the EasyEdit tutorial at vignette("edit_easyEdit")) will allow you to add a field to the table with the higher-level (e.g. structure that is created by getting a single summary value of a field in a a lower-level structure), and rez_left_join() in TidyRez allows you to perform similar operations with a tidyverse syntax (see vignette("edit_tidyRez").


Now that you know your way around .rez files and rezrObjs, you can go to the next tutorial to see how time is handled in Rezonator. If you're up for that, go to the tutorial on time and sequence (vignette("time_seq"))!

johnwdubois/rezonateR documentation built on Nov. 19, 2024, 11:17 p.m.