
Defines functions addRow addIsWordField removeField changeField addField changeFieldForeign addFieldForeign changeFieldLocal addFieldLocal reload

Documented in addField addFieldForeign addFieldLocal addIsWordField addRow changeField changeFieldForeign changeFieldLocal reload removeField

#Generic functions defined in this package
#1) Functions that apply to rezrDF, rezrObj:
#  a) reload
#  b) addFieldLocal, changeFieldLocal, addFieldForeign, changeFieldForeign, addField, changeField

#' Functions for reloading auto and foreign fields.
#' @rdname reload
#' @param df The rezrDF you want to modify.
#' @param rezrObj The entire rezrObj.
#' @param fields The fields of the rezrDF you would like to modify.
#' @return The modified rezrDF. reloadLocal reloads only auto fields; reloadForeign reloads only foreign fields. Foreign fields are always updated before auto fields. If the fields parameter is not available, I will find the best update order; otherwise, I will use the order you provide except for the rule where foreign fields are updated first.
#' @note reload.rezrObj is planned for a future release, but not yet available
#' @examples sbc007$tokenDF = changeFieldLocal(sbc007$tokenDF, fieldName = "text", expression = case_when(text == "<0>" ~ "∅", T ~ text))
#' sbc007$entryDF = sbc007$entryDF %>% reloadForeign(sbc007)
#' sbc007$unitDF = sbc007$unitDF %>% reload(sbc007)
#' sbc007$unitDF %>% filter(str_detect(text, "∅")) %>% rez_select(id, text) %>% head
#' @export
reload = function(x, ...){

#' @rdname acFieldLocal
#' @param x The object (rezrDF or rezrObj) to be modified.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to the four specific functions.
#' @export
addFieldLocal = function(x, ...){

#' @rdname acFieldLocal
#' @export
changeFieldLocal = function(x, ...){

#' @rdname acFieldForeign
#' @export
addFieldForeign = function(x, ...){

#' @rdname acFieldForeign
#' @export
changeFieldForeign = function(x, ...){

#' @rdname acField
#' @export
addField = function(x, ..., foreign = F){

#' @rdname acField
#' @export
changeField = function(x, ..., foreign = F){

#' @rdname rmField
#' @export
removeField = function(x, ...){

#' @rdname addIsWordField
#' @export
addIsWordField = function(x, ...){

#' @rdname addRow
#' @export
addRow = function(x, ...){
johnwdubois/rezonateR documentation built on Nov. 19, 2024, 11:17 p.m.