Man pages for johow/kinlab
Kinship and Reproduction in Historical Populations

actual_spouseReturns the ID of an individual's spouse at a fixed date
add_kinstatAdd ID to maps
add_momsAdd iteratively IDs of mothers
as_dateNumeric Days from 1970 as Date
bio_plotPlot Biographies
built_khBuilt Krummhörn data files
built_msPrepare multi-state data
built_qbPrepare data for pedigrees in Québec
categorizeReturn categorical values for a numerical variable
chron_mapChronological maps
count_genCount generation numbers
count_kids8Number of living children being younger than 8 years of a...
first_bdateGet birth date of a mother's first born child
fix_pedPrepare a pedigree dataframe by excluding 'half-parents'
get_ageReturns a given individual's age at a given date
get_asfrAge-specific fertility rates
get_brankIndividual birth rank
get_brothersFraternal IDs for a given individual
get_cebChildren ever born
get_dadsPaternal ID for a given individual
get_dataPrepare data for pedigrees
get_dateReturns a given individual's date of birth or death
get_dfPrepare data for pedigrees
get_df_evA dataframe for individual events
get_df_ev_qbA dataframe for individual events
get_distSpatial distance between individuals at a specific date
get_dt_evA datatable for individual events
get_evmatArray from event data
get_evmat2A matrix for event data
get_evmat_bakA matrix for event data
get_evmat_bak_qbA matrix for event data in Québec (including each twin as...
get_evmat_listArray from event data
get_evmat_qbA matrix for event data in Québec
get_exmpl_dfSmall pedigree dataframe for example
get_file_pathSource and local file paths
get_foundfam_idIDs of an individual's founded family's members
get_geoGeopositional Data List
get_grasenGet family's grasen value for a given ID of a parent
get_khWrapper function to import and format Krummhörn data for...
get_kidsReturns the ID(s) of an individual's child(ren)
get_kincolRainbow color palette for relatedness coefficients
get_kindataA dataframe describing the kin network for a given ID at a...
get_kinevPedigree members with documented event data
get_kinlocReturns the estimated locality of a given individual at a...
get_kinsetA snapshot of an individual's kinship structure at a fixed...
get_kirchspieleRecode locality labels in KH33 database (internal function)
get_min_birthageReturns the minimum age at birth This function returns a...
get_min_twinageReturns a mother's minimum age at birth, considering only...
get_momsReturns the ID of an individual's mother
get_natfam_idIDs of an individual's natal family members
get_qbWrapper function to import and format Québec data for...
get_resid_rvAverage age-specific residual reproductive value
get_sexReturn the sex of a given ID
get_sistersReturn an individual's sisters being ever born
get_spousesReturn spousal ID(s) for a married individual
get_twin_idReturns the IDs of twins of a twin mother
get_twinmatWrapper function to return a matrix for twin relations
get_twinmat_qbWrapper function to return a matrix for twin relations
get_twinmothersGet IDs of twinmothers
grap_dfA pedigree dataframe for subset of limited size
grap_kinAdd iteratively IDs of related family members
grap_pedReturn a compact, individual-centered pedigree by iteratively...
is_aliveTest for estimated survival status of a given individual at a...
is_relatedTest for relatedness
kin_crawlerAdd IDs of family members
map_seqMap sequence
mat2bioConverts event array to Biograph
matlist2arrayTurns a list of sparse matrices into an array (or vice versa)
mean_dateMean date in intervals
mem_checkCheck for memory limits
na2zeroReplace NAs with zeros
plot_categoriesA Barplots for Differences in Bionomial Probabilities
plot_kinmapPlot a pedigree map
plot_pedigreePlot a pedigree for a given individual at a given date
plot_rrvA wrapper function to plot age-specific residual reproductive...
random_bioGenerate random biographies of reproductive event
recode_evlocRecode locality labels from character strings to numeric (and...
restrict2sampleRestrict data to a given sample size
run_timeRun time since t_start
r_valReturns the relatedness coefficient between two individuals...
sample_khSample a Krummhörn mother
sample_qbSample a Quebec mother
trimRemove white space from strings
unlist_dfCombine dataframes in a list by rows
valid_datesValid dates
zero2naReplace zeros with NAs
johow/kinlab documentation built on July 5, 2019, 4:23 p.m.