digests: Digests for detecting file modifications.

Description Details See Also Examples


When creating digests for detecting file modifications, there is a choice of algorithms


File digests are created by applying a hashing algorithm to the text contents of a source file (.Rmd or .rmarkdown). By default, blogdown uses crc32 because it is fast and is good enough for detecting changes in source files. This would not be good enough for uniquely identifying a given file revision or source file (e.g., for revision control), but that's not necessary for the purposes of updating sites in 'blogdown'.

The user can override the hashing algorithm by setting options(blogdown.hash.algorithm = <algorithm>), where <algorithm> is one of the allowed digest algorithms in digest(): "crc32", "md5", "sha1", "sha256", "sha512", "xxhash32", "xxhash64", or "murmur32".

See Also

update_site_digests(), update_site().


options(blogdown.hash.algorithm = "sha256")

jonathan-g/blogdownDigest documentation built on Jan. 23, 2021, 10:52 p.m.