Man pages for jonathon-love/car3
Companion to Applied Regression

AnovaAnova Tables for Various Statistical Models
avPlotsAdded-Variable Plots
bcPowerBox-Cox, Yeo-Johnson and Basic Power Transformations
BootBootstrapping for regression models
bootCaseCase bootstrap for regression models
boxCoxBox-Cox Transformations for Linear Models
boxCoxVariableConstructed Variable for Box-Cox Transformation
BoxplotBoxplots With Point Identification
boxTidwellBox-Tidwell Transformations
car-defunctDefunct Functions in the car Package
car-internalInternal Objects for the 'car' package
carWebAccess to the R Companion to Applied Regression website
ceresPlotsCeres Plots
compareCoefsPrint estimated coefficients and their standard errors in a...
ContrastsFunctions to Construct Contrasts
crPlotsComponent+Residual (Partial Residual) Plots
deltaMethodEstimate and Standard Error of a Nonlinear Function of...
densityPlotNonparametric Density Estimates
dfbetaPlotsdfbeta and dfbetas Index Plots
durbinWatsonTestDurbin-Watson Test for Autocorrelated Errors
EllipsesEllipses, Data Ellipses, and Confidence Ellipses
hccmHeteroscedasticity-Corrected Covariance Matrices
hist.bootMethods Functions to Support 'boot' Objects
infIndexPlotInfluence Index Plot
influencePlotRegression Influence Plot
invResPlotInverse Response Plots to Transform the Response
invTranPlotChoose a Predictor Transformation Visually or Numerically
leveneTestLevene's Test
leveragePlotsRegression Leverage Plots
linearHypothesisTest Linear Hypothesis
logitLogit Transformation
marginalModelPlotMarginal Model Plotting
mcPlotsDraw Linear Model Marginal and Conditional Plots in Parallel...
ncvTestScore Test for Non-Constant Error Variance
outlierTestBonferroni Outlier Test
panel.carPanel Function for Coplots
plot.powerTransformplot Method for powerTransform Objects
powerTransformFinding Univariate or Multivariate Power Transformations
qqPlotQuantile-Comparison Plots
recodeRecode a Variable
regLinePlot Regression Line
residualPlotsResidual Plots and Curvature Tests for Linear Model Fits
scatter3dThree-Dimensional Scatterplots and Point Identification
scatterplotScatterplots with Boxplots
scatterplotMatrixScatterplot Matrices
ScatterplotSmoothersSmoothers to Draw Lines on Scatterplots
showLabelsUtility Functions to Identify and Mark Extreme Points in a 2D...
sigmaHatReturn the scale estimate for a regression model
skewPowerSkew Power Transformations
someSample a Few Elements of an Object
spreadLevelPlotSpread-Level Plots
subsetsPlot Output from regsubsets Function in leaps package
SummarizeModified Functions for Summarizing Linear Models
symboxBoxplots for transformations to symmetry
testTransformLikelihood-Ratio Tests for Univariate or Multivariate Power...
TransformationAxesAxes for Transformed Variables
vifVariance Inflation Factors
wcrossprodWeighted Matrix Crossproduct
which.namesPosition of Row Names
jonathon-love/car3 documentation built on May 19, 2019, 7:28 p.m.