Man pages for jonkatz2/rmongodb
R-MongoDB driver

as.character.mongo.oidConvert a mongo.oid object to a string
mongoThe mongo (database connection) class
mongo.add.userAdd a user and password
mongo.aggregationAggregation pipeline
mongo.authenticateAutherticate a user and password
mongo.binary.binaryBSON binary data subtype constant for standard binary data
mongo.binary.functionBSON binary data subtype constant for function data
mongo.binary.md5BSON binary data subtype constant for md5 data
mongo.binary.oldBSON binary data subtype constant for old format data
mongo.binary.userBSON binary data subtype constant for user data
mongo.binary.uuidBSON binary data subtype constant for uuid data
mongo.bsonThe mongo.bson class
mongo.bson.arrayBSON data type constant for an array
mongo.bson.binaryBSON data type constant for a binary data value
mongo.bson.boolBSON data type constant for a bool value
mongo.bson.bufferThe mongo.bson.buffer class
mongo.bson.buffer.appendAppend a name/value pair into a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.boolAppend a boolean field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.bsonAppend a mongo.bson object into a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.codeAppend a code field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.code.w.scopeAppend a code field with a scope onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.complexAppend a double field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.doubleAppend a double field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.elementAppend a mongo.bson.iterator's element into a...
mongo.bson.buffer.append.intAppend an integer field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.listAppend a list onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.longAppend a long valued field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.nullAppend a double field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.objectAppend an R object onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.oidAppend a OID into a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.rawAppend a raw (binary) field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.regexAppend a timestamp value into a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.stringAppend a string field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.symbolAppend a symbol field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.timeAppend a time value into a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.timestampAppend a timestamp value into a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.append.undefinedAppend a undefined field onto a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.createCreate an new mongo.bson.buffer object
mongo.bson.buffer.finish.objectFinish a subobject or array within a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.sizeGet the size of a mongo.bson.buffer object
mongo.bson.buffer.start.arrayStart an array within a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.buffer.start.objectStart a subobject within a mongo.bson.buffer
mongo.bson.codeBSON data type constant for a code value
mongo.bson.code.w.scopeBSON data type constant for a code with scope value
mongo.bson.dateBSON data type constant for a date value
mongo.bson.dbrefBSON data type constant for a dbref value
mongo.bson.destroyDestroy a mongo.bson object
mongo.bson.doubleBSON data type constant for a double value
mongo.bson.emptyCreate an empty mongo.bson object
mongo.bson.eooBSON data type constant for 'End Of Object'
mongo.bson.findFind a field within a mongo.bson object by name
mongo.bson.from.bufferConvert a mongo.bson.buffer object to a mongo.bson object
mongo.bson.from.dfConvert a data.frame to a mongo.bson object
mongo.bson.from.JSONConvert JSON to BSON Object
mongo.bson.from.listConvert a list to a mongo.bson object
mongo.bson.intBSON data type constant for a integer value
mongo.bson.iteratorThe mongo.bson.iterator class
mongo.bson.iterator.createCreate a mongo.bson.iterator object
mongo.bson.iterator.keyReturn the key (name) of the field pointed to by an iterator
mongo.bson.iterator.nextAdvance an iterator to the first or next field
mongo.bson.iterator.typeGet the type of data pointed to by an iterator
mongo.bson.iterator.valueReturn the value of the field pointed to by an iterator
mongo.bson.longBSON data type constant for a long value
mongo.bson.nullBSON data type constant for a null value
mongo.bson.objectBSON data type constant for a subobject value
mongo.bson.oidBSON data type constant for a oid value
mongo.bson.printDisplay a mongo.bson object
mongo.bson.regexBSON data type constant for a regex value
mongo.bson.sizeGet the size of a mongo.bson object
mongo.bson.stringBSON data type constant for a string value
mongo.bson.symbolBSON data type constant for a symbol value
mongo.bson.timestampBSON data type constant for a timestamp value a mongo.bson object to an R list object. a mongo.bson object to an R object.
mongo.bson.undefinedBSON data type constant for a undefined value
mongo.bson.valueReturn the value of a mongo.bson field
mongo.codeThe mongo.code class
mongo.code.createCreate a mongo.code object
mongo.code.w.scopeThe mongo.code.w.scope class
mongo.code.w.scope.createCreate a mongo.code.w.scope object
mongo.commandIssue a command to a database on MongoDB server
mongo.countCount records in a collection
mongo.createCreate an object of class "mongo"
mongo.cursorThe mongo.cursor class
mongo.cursor.destroyRelease resources attached to a cursor
mongo.cursor.nextAdvance a cursor to the next record Mongo Cursor Object to Data.Frame Mongo Cursor Object to List so that each element of...
mongo.cursor.valueFetch the current value of a cursor
mongo.destroyDestroy a MongoDB connection
mongo.disconnectDisconnect from a MongoDB server
mongo.distinctGet a vector of distinct values for keys in a collection
mongo.dropDrop a collection from a MongoDB server
mongo.drop.databaseDrop a database from a MongoDB server
mongo.findFind records in a collection
mongo.find.allFind records in a collection and returns one R data frame...
mongo.find.await.datamongo.find flag constant - await data
mongo.find.cursor.tailablemongo.find flag constant - cursor tailable
mongo.find.exhaustmongo.find flag constant - exhaust flag constant - no cursor timeout
mongo.find.oneFind one record in a collection
mongo.find.oplog.replaymongo.find flag constant - oplog replay
mongo.find.partial.resultsmongo.find flag constant - partial results
mongo.find.slave.okmongo.find flag constant - slave ok
mongo.get.database.collectionsGet a list of collections in a database
mongo.get.databasesGet a list of databases from a MongoDB server
mongo.get.errRetrieve an connection error code from a mongo object
mongo.get.hostsGet a lists of hosts & ports as reported by a replica set...
mongo.get.last.errRetrieve an server error code from a mongo connection object
mongo.get.prev.errRetrieve an server error code from a mongo connection object
mongo.get.primaryGet the host & port of the server to which a mongo object is...
mongo.get.server.errRetrieve an server error code from a mongo connection object
mongo.get.server.err.stringRetrieve an server error code from a mongo connection object
mongo.get.socketGet the socket assigned to a mongo object by mongo.create().
mongo.get.timeoutGet the timeout value of a mongo connection
mongo.gridfileThe mongo.gridfile class
mongo.gridfile.destroyDestroy a mongo.gridfile object
mongo.gridfile.get.chunkGet a chunk of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.chunk.countGet the chunk count of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.chunksGet a cursor for a range of chunks in a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.chunk.sizeGet the chunk.size of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.content.typeGet the content type of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.descriptorGet the descriptor of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.filenameGet the filename of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.lengthGet the length of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.md5Get the MD5 hash of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.metadataGet the metadata of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.get.upload.dateGet the upload date of a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.pipePipe a mongo.gridfile to an R connection
mongo.gridfile.readRead raw data from a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.seekSeek to a position in a mongo.gridfile
mongo.gridfile.writerThe mongo.gridfile.writer class
mongo.gridfile.writer.createCreate a mongo.gridfile.writer object
mongo.gridfile.writer.finishFinish writing to a buffered GridFS file
mongo.gridfile.writer.writeWrite raw data to a buffered GridFS file
mongo.gridfsThe mongo.gridfs class
mongo.gridfs.createCreate a mongo.gridfs object
mongo.gridfs.destroyDestroy a mongo.gridfs object
mongo.gridfs.findFind a GridFS file
mongo.gridfs.remove.fileRemove a file from a GridFS on a MongoDB server
mongo.gridfs.storeStore raw data as a file in a GridFS a file into a GridFS on a MongoDB server
mongo.index.backgroundmongo.index.create flag constant - background
mongo.index.createAdd an index to a collection
mongo.index.drop.dupsmongo.index.create flag constant - drop duplicate keys
mongo.index.sparsemongo.index.create flag constant - sparse
mongo.index.TTLcreateAdd a time to live (TTL) index to a collection
mongo.index.uniquemongo.index.create flag constant - unique keys
mongo.insertAdd record to a collection
mongo.insert.batchAdd multiple records to a collection if a mongo object is connected to a MongoDB server if a mongo connection object is connected to a...
mongo.oidThe mongo.oid class
mongo.oid.createCreate a mongo.oid object
mongo.oid.from.stringCreate a mongo.oid object ftom a string
mongo.oid.printDisplay a mongo.oid object
mongo.oid.timeGet an Object ID's time a mongo.oid object to a string
mongo.reconnectReconnect to a MongoDB server
mongo.regexThe mongo.regex class
mongo.regex.createCreate a mongo.regex object
mongo.removeRemove records from a collection
mongo.renameRename a collection on a MongoDB server
mongo.reset.errRetrieve an server error code from a mongo connection object
mongo.set.timeoutSet the timeout value on a mongo connection
mongo.shorthandDefine shorthand for BSON and GridFS
mongo.simple.commandIssue a simple.command to a database on MongoDB server
mongo.symbolThe mongo.symbol class
mongo.symbol.createCreate a mongo.symbol object
mongo.timestampThe mongo.timestamp class
mongo.timestamp.createCreate a mongo.timestamp object
mongo.undefinedThe mongo.undefined class
mongo.undefined.createCreate a mongo.undefined object
mongo.updatePerform an update on a collection
mongo.update.basicmongo.update() flag constant for performing a basic update
mongo.update.multimongo.update() flag constant for updating multiple records
mongo.update.upsertmongo.update() flag constant for an upsert
print.mongo.bsonDisplay a mongo.bson object
print.mongo.oidDisplay a mongo.oid object
zipszips Dataset
jonkatz2/rmongodb documentation built on May 19, 2019, 7:30 p.m.