Man pages for jonotuke/catenary
Fits a Catenary to Given Points

catenaryCreates a catenary object
catenary-classCreate a class for catenary
ctesiphonCoordinates of external and internal edge of the Ctesiphon
fReturns catenary value for given x
fitCatGet catenary parameters for given endpoints and length
fitCatEndPtsGet catenary parameters for given endpoints and length
fitMaxCatGet catenary parameters for given endpoints
fitNaturalCatGet catenary parameters for given endpoints and length
fittedCatenaryCreates a fittedCatenary object
fittedCatenary-classCreate a class for fittedCatenary
getCatLengthCalculates length of catenary
getFunctionEnvelopeCatFunction to return function envelope for catenary
getFunctionEnvelopeParaFunction to return function envelope for parabola
getPointsMethod to get points for catenary
gofGet goodness of fit statistics for fitted catenary
LGet length for catenary
minmaxMethod to get min and max of catenary
minmaxLengthGiven two endpoints gives max and min length of catenary...
plotSet generic plot
showsummary function
vertexMethod to get vertex for catenary
jonotuke/catenary documentation built on May 19, 2019, 8:36 p.m.