
# treatment of generic file
count <- paste(opt$count_dir, basename(opt$count), sep = .Platform$file.sep)
generic.df <- read.table(count, header = TRUE, sep="\t", check.names=FALSE)
nblib=nbcol - 1
values <- generic.df[,2:nbcol]
logvalues <- log(generic.df[,2:nbcol] + 1)

# treatment of design file
if (!is.null(opt$design)) {
  design <- paste(opt$design_dir, basename(opt$design), sep = .Platform$file.sep)
    design.df <- read.table(design, header=TRUE, sep="\t", check.names=FALSE)
    lib_names <- design.df[,1]
    Factor = design.df[,2]
    moda_names = unique (Factor)
    testcol  <- colorRampPalette(c('blue','red', 'green', 'orange'))
    colmoda <- testcol(length(moda_names))
    colorModa <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(moda_names)) {
        moda = moda_names[i]
    colorLib <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(lib_names)) {
        lib = lib_names[i]
        moda = Factor[i]
        collib = colorModa[moda]

Cluster dendrogram representing the hierarchical clustering of libraries (log values)

Input Data = RNASeq count expression file.

After a log transformation and a Pearson correlation, data are submitted to an Ascending Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) (Ward).

The aim of AHC is to cluster the libraries, based on their count values.

Expected results :

Application :

dist.lame.cor <- 1 - cor(logvalues, use="pairwise.complete.obs")
hc.lame.cor <- hclust(as.dist(dist.lame.cor))
dendCol <- as.dendrogram(hc.lame.cor)

if (!is.null(opt$design)) {
    labels_colors(dendCol) <- colorModa[Factor][order.dendrogram(dendCol)]
plot(dendCol, main= "Cluster Dendrogram (log values)")


Barplot representing for each library the number of features (genes / RNA) that have at least 10 reads mapped

For each library, the number of genes that have at least 10 reads mapped, is displayed.

The number of 10 is empirical, and was chosen because we think that it is the minimal number required to consider that a feature is expressed.

Expected results :

Application :

vecteursup10 = c()
vecteurunionprov = c()
vecteurall = c()
for (colo in 1:nblib) { vecteursup10 <- append(vecteursup10, length(which(values[,colo]>9)))}
for (colo in 1:nblib) { vecteurunionprov <- append(vecteurunionprov, which(values[,colo]>9))}
vecteurunion = unique(vecteurunionprov)
vecteursup10 <- append(vecteursup10, length(vecteurunion))
for (colo in 1:nbcol) { vecteurall <- append(vecteurall, length(values[,1]))}

if (!is.null(opt$design)) {
    barplot(vecteursup10, names.arg=c(colnames(values[1:nblib]), "At least in 1 lib"), las=2, cex.names=0.7, col=c(colorLib, "black"), ylim=c(0,max(vecteurall)))
} else {
    barplot(vecteursup10, names.arg=c(colnames(values[1:nblib]), "At least in 1 lib"), las=2, cex.names=0.7, ylim=c(0,max(vecteurall)))

todisplay = data.frame(c(colnames(values[1:nblib]), "At least in 1 lib"),vecteursup10, vecteurall)
names(todisplay) = c('lib', 'nb features with at least 10 reads', 'nb features total')


 Box-plot (log values)
Input Data = RNASeq count expression file.

For each library, box-plots of log (count values) are displayed.

Expected results :

-   All the libraries should have quite the same distribution

Application :

-   Ensure that all the libraries have quite the same distribution to initiate a powerful differential expression analysis

-   Check that an unexpected clustering in the AHC (first graph) is not caused by a heterogeneous distribution between libraries

if (!is.null(opt$design)) {
    boxplot(logvalues, cex.axis=0.7, las=2, main="BoxPlot of log(count)", col=colorLib)
} else {
    boxplot(logvalues, cex.axis=0.7, las=2, main="BoxPlot of log(count)")


Summary of values


jos4uke/qc4rnaseq documentation built on May 19, 2019, 8:45 p.m.