Man pages for josegallegos07/aceR
Tools for processing ACE data

ace_headerACE column name constants
ace_moduleACE module constants
ace_procsACE/SEA module procs
aceR_descriptionaceR description
aceR_lib_pathaceR package path
aceR_methodsaceR methods
aceR_sample_data_pathaceR sample data path
aceR_versionaceR version
ace_spanReturns the highest value that occurs at least 2x...
ace_trimsACE/SEA module trimming
ace_turnsAverage of the last n "turn around trials" - a correct trial...
export_csvExport CSV
export_plotExport plot
files_in_directoryList the files in a directory/folder
get_all_percentilesGet ALL percentiles for available ACE metrics
get_compositesGet composite ACE scores across module
get_percentileGet percentile for ONE ACE metric
identify_moduleIdentify ACE module from filename
identify_turnsIdentify turn trials
load_ace_bulkRead & Load all ACE csv & xls files in a directory
load_ace_fileReads raw ACE data from a file.
load_filesLoad all files in a directory as a data frame
load_sea_bulkRead & Load all SEA csv files in a directory
load_sea_csvBecause the "Reading Fluency" module has some cells with...
load_sea_fileReads raw SEA data from a file.
make_directoryMake a directory
map_call2_relCurrently only produces a set of relational statements such...
nest_ace_rawRe-nest unnested loaded ACE data
numeric_row_namesNumeric row names
post_clean_chanceScrub processed data with below-chance accuracy
post_clean_low_trialsScrub processed data with too few trials
post_reduce_colsSubset columns from processed ACE/SEA modules
proc_ace_completeRead, Load, and Process all ACE csv files in a directory
proc_by_moduleProcess ACE/SEA data by module
proc_na_all_by_some_colsHelper function that takes long or long-ish ACE proc data and...
proc_wide_to_longMost module-post functions work much better with long proc...
remove_empty_colsRemove empty columns from a data frame.
remove_empty_rowsRemove empty rows from a data frame.
remove_rowsRemove specified rows from a data frame
replace_empty_valuesReplaces empty values in one column with the values of...
sea_headerSEA column name constants
sea_moduleSEA module constants
trim_initial_trialsTrim initial trials from ACE/SEA data
trim_rt_trials_rangeTrim trials from ACE/SEA data by response time within a fixed...
trim_rt_trials_sdTrim trials from ACE/SEA data by response time within N SDs...
unnest_ace_rawUnnest loaded ACE data into long form
josegallegos07/aceR documentation built on July 19, 2024, 6:32 p.m.