Man pages for joshuaulrich/xtsExtra
Supplementary Functionality for xts

acf.xtsAutocorrelation for xts Objects
addLegendAdd Legend
addLinesAdd vertical lines to an existing xts plot
addPointsAdd time series of points to an existing xts plot
addSeriesAdd a time series to an existing xts plot
arima.xtsARIMA for xts Objects
barplot.xtsTime-Oriented Barplots from xts Objects
HoltWinters.xtsHoltWinters for xts Objects
indexClassExtracting the Class of an xtsdf Index
plot.xtsTime series Plotting
stl.xtsLoess Seasonal Decomposition for xts Objects
StructTS.xtsStructTS for xts Objects
xtsdfCreate Or Test For An xtsdf Time-Series Object
joshuaulrich/xtsExtra documentation built on May 19, 2019, 9:40 p.m.