Man pages for josiahpjking/jkr
Various functions I occasionally need.

BSmake_tcplotdatatime course plots for eye tracking computes avg proportion...
ggCaterpillarcaterpillar plot for mixed effects models borrowed (stolen)...
glmratioreturn OR/RR and confidence intervals for logistic/poisson...
grid_arrange_shared_legendgrid arrange (from gridExtra) with common legend
insertqsolInsert %in%.
lm.beta.lmerequivalent of lm.beta for mixed models.
make_tcplotdatatime course plots for eye tracking computes avg proportion...
mroundrounding to the nearest
permute_changepointreturns a permutation based distribution of possible...
qsamplequick sample of .. see...
rowSums_narowSums with na.rm = TRUE except for when all cols = NAs...
tcplottime course plots for eye tracking defaults to colour by AOI.
theme_vminvery minimal theme
t.statextract t values for fixed effects of lmer object
uoepsy_rmd_funcsget a quick list of all functions used in Rmd. Will exclude...
uoepsy_turnitinmake spreadsheet with turnitin links from set of files
josiahpjking/jkr documentation built on Sept. 7, 2020, 3:54 a.m.