  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-"


To-do list apps can be great on the go, with nifty UIs, APIs and hooks into all kinds of services.

I couldn't find a wrapper for "Remember the Milk" in R, so here's my attempt at that, to allow the level of automation and statistical geekery to which R users are accustomed.

Create Tasks

Start with the basics, creating tasks, but with an R twist: vectorize your add_tasks.

tasks <- c("watch lectures ^wed =\"2 hours\"",
           "do reading ^thu =\"2 hours\"",
           "do problem set ^fri =\"4 hours\"",
           "review problem set ^sat =\"1 hour\"")
rtm_add_task(paste(tasks, "*weekly #MyClass"))

Choose Tasks

Pick them randomly!

quick_tasks <- rtm_search("list:Household timeEstimate\"< 30 minutes\"")
(todays_tasks <- sample(quick_tasks, 3))

## add notes to one of them
          note_title = "get this plunger model",
          note_text = "XT-9000D... it has super suction power!")

## then complete them when done

Apply Some Rules to Tasks

Move tasks around, postpone them, using R functions.

inbox <- rtm_search("list:Inbox")

rule_fun <- function(task) {
  if(grepl("narf", task[["name"]]))
  else if (grepl("zort", task[["name"]]))
    moveTo(task, "ImportantResearch")
  else if (grepl("poit", task[["name"]]))
    setTags(task, "#chainletter #plan")

## note: needs to be split by "" b/c "id" and "name"
## might not be unique
plyr::d_ply(inbox, "", rule_fun, .progress = "text")


ggplot2? DiagrammeR? Shiny?

jowalski/rtmr documentation built on May 19, 2019, 9:43 p.m.