spm_SpUtil: SPM: Space matrix utilities

Description Usage


spm_SpUtil is a multi-function function containing various utilities for Design matrix and contrast construction and manipulation. In general, it accepts design matrices as plain matrices or as space structures setup by spm_sp.

Many of the space utilities are computed using an SVD of the design matrix. The advantage of using space structures is that the svd of the design matrix is stored in the space structure, thereby saving unnecessary repeated computation of the SVD. This presents a considerable efficiency gain for large design matrices.

Note that when space structures are passed as arguments is is assummed that their basic fields are filled in. See spm_sp for details of (design) space structures and their manipulation.


varargout = spm_SpUtil(action,varargin)

jpellman/spmR documentation built on May 19, 2019, 10:44 p.m.