Isotope Htmlwidget for R

Isotope layout library straight from R to render Data Frames as interactive galleries. It handles sortings, filtering and custom item html templates. Uses basscss.

How to

If you provide filterCols you can select which columns to use as filters.

If you provide sortCols you can select which columns to use to sort the items.

You can also provide custom html templates to render the items.

```{r, message=FALSE}


library(isotope) d <- read.csv(system.file("data/candidatos.csv",package="isotope"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

filterCols <- c("genero","profesiones", "niveldeestudios","talante", "pragmaticoideologico","visionpais") sortCols <- c("nombre","apoyosenadores","apoyorepresentantes")

tpl <- '


Profesión: {{profesiones}}, Género: {{genero}},Nivel de estudios: {{niveldeestudios}}

Apoyo Senadores: {{apoyosenadores}}
Apoyo Representantes: {{apoyorepresentantes}}
' isotope(d, filterCols = filterCols, sortCols = sortCols, lang = 'es', elemTpl = tpl)



jpmarindiaz/isotope documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:49 p.m.