Accessing twitter from the command line

An easy way of determining when your job/script has finished, is to use twitter; at the end of your job, you send a tweet!

The package for accessing the twitter API is rtweet. This replaces the older twitteR client.

  1. Install the package - install.packages("rtweet")
  2. In order to programmatically access twitter, you need to set up an app. This is described in great detail in the vignette

  3. Next you create a token:

    ```r library(rtweet)

    name assigned to created app

    appname <- "rtweet_token"

    api key (example below is not a real key)

    key <- "XYznzPFOFZR2a39FwWKN1Jp41"

    api secret (example below is not a real key)

    secret <- "CtkGEWmSevZqJuKl6HHrBxbCybxI1xGLqrD5ynPd9jG0SoHZbD" twitter_token <- create_token( app = appname, consumer_key = key, consumer_secret = secret) ```

  4. Once twitter_token is part of your global environment, rtweet functions should find it. However, using this method, the token will not automatically load in future sessions (you'll need to create a token every time you start a new session).


    Search for tweets

    rt = search_tweets("#rstats", n = 1000, token = twitter_token)

    Follows a user

    post_follow("csgillespie") ```

jr-packages/jrAutomate documentation built on Dec. 14, 2019, 6:35 p.m.