Exercise 1

  1. Check that you have the bigvis package installed. r ## Should run error free library("bigvis") data("movies", package = "bigvis")

  2. Use condense and bin to plot the movie lengths. Try varying the width argument in the bin function.

  3. Add a smoothed line using the smooth function.
  4. Load the ggplot2 package r library("ggplot2") Use autoplot on the binned data. Experiment with peel.
x = condense(bin(movies$length, width = 1))
sm = smooth(x, h = 5 / 100)
lines(sm[, 1], sm[, 2], col = 2)
last_plot() %+% peel(x)

Exercise 2

  1. Check that you have the tabplot package installed. r ## Should run with no errors library("tabplot")

  2. Reproduce the plot in the notes r tableplot(movies[, 3:5]) Use head(movies[,3:5]) to examine the first few rows of the data. What do the plots mean?

  3. Add the argument sortCol=3 to the above tableplot command. What does this argument do?

  4. Run the following command

    r tableplot(movies[, 3:10]) What do the graphs mean?

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