Getting started

Forking and cloning a repository

We are going to start off by cloning a repository from GitLab. Follow the instructions below to fork a full copy of the jrGitpractice repository from our Jumping Rivers GitLab account.

  1. Log in to your Gitlab account.

  2. Search jrGitpractice in the search bar at the top of the screen and click on jumpingrivers-notes/r/jrGitpractice.

  3. Click on the fork icon at the top right corner of the repository page and select the option that allows you to fork to your own namespace/account. In doing so this will automatically take you to your forked copy of the repository.

  4. Click on the blue 'clone' icon then click on the icon next to the URL under 'Clone with HTTPS'.

  5. Go to a new RStudio session.

  6. File -> New Project -> Version Control -> Git.

  7. Paste the URL into the 'Repository URL' field, then give it a directory name and path.

  8. Click 'Create Project'.

  9. Enter your GitLab password.

You now have a full copy of the files\sidenote{In this case, just the one} in the jrGitpractice remote repository, saved on your local machine.

jr-packages/jrGit4u documentation built on Aug. 6, 2020, 7:27 a.m.