
If you want to include more extensive examples or even just further documentation, then you should consider creating a vignette:

\begin{quote} a \textbf{vignette} is a small illustration placed at the beginning or end of a book or chapter.

\em \url{} \end{quote}

\noindent{We can view vignettes from other packages using the \texttt{vignette()} function}

r vignette(package = "knitr")

\noindent{or to view in your web browser}

r browseVignettes(package = "knitr")

Example: markdown vignettes

Vignettes are stored in the vignettes/ directory. The simplest vignette uses R-markdown and is formatted by the knitr package. To create a package vignette, we simply place the file in the vignettes/ directory.

\marginnote{The output style is \texttt{html_vignette}. This is more lightweight (in terms of file size) than the standard \texttt{html_document}}

\indent{For example, suppose we have a file \texttt{intro.Rmd} that contains the following text:}

\marginnote{The UTF-8 line specifies the file encod- ing.}


title: "My very first vignette" author: "Colin Gillespie and Robin Lovelace" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette #nolint start vignette: > #nolint end %\VignetteIndexEntry{My very first vignette} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}

## My first package

This is my first package vignette. I can include mathematics, such as $x^2$. R code is also nicely formatted and displayed. ```

x = runif(10)

and plots


  1. The first few lines register knitr as the vignette engine and provide an entry for the list of vignettes.

  2. We have used markdown to add simple styling\sidenote{See \url{} and the RStudio markdown reference sheet for further commands.}. For example \texttt{first} becomes first and \texttt{\$x\textasciicircum 2\$} becomes $x^2$.

  3. R code is executed in the ``` regions.


  1. Create a vignettes/ directory in your package.

  2. Create an R markdown file

File -> New File -> R markdown

and save it in the vignettes/ directory.

  1. Copy the markdown example above into your file and knit that file.

  2. Add

Suggests: knitr VignetteBuilder: knitr

to the DESCRIPTION file\sidenote{Notice that \textbf{knitr} is only a \textbf{suggested} package, since it’s not essential.}. This will tell your package to build \newline{vignettes using \textbf{knitr}.}

  1. Vignettes won’t actually be built unless you are creating a source bundle\sidenote{If you submit your package to CRAN, then the vignettes will be built ready for distribution.}. To install a package with vignettes included, we first create the source package Build -> Build Source Package \noindent{and then install the package from source} r install.packages("pkg_1.0.tar.gz", repos=NULL, type="source") \noindent{Build and install your package. Check that you can access the vignette.}

  2. Check and ensure that your package passes all tests\sidenote{CTRL + E.}.

Package level documentation

You package typically also has documentation associated with the package name. For example,

r library("pkg") ?pkg

\noindent{should bring up an overview of your package. Again we use \textbf{roxygen2} to generate the man page. Go to}

\begin{center} \url{} \end{center} \noindent{to view the entry for the \textbf{poweRlaw} package.}


  1. Create a file called pkg-package.R in the R/ directory.

  2. Using the poweRlaw package as an example, create a man/ page for your package\sidenote{What do you think the \texttt{@aliases} tag does?}.

  3. Do one final check and ensure that your package passes all tests.

jr-packages/jrPackage documentation built on Dec. 4, 2020, 8:27 a.m.