The caret package

The caret package~\cite{caret} is a great little package that creates an interface to a myriad of model building tools included in various packages in the R universe. It is particularly nice as it provides a single set of functions that can be used for fitting, prediction and assessment of models, removing the need to remember any syntactic differences over the other packages. It is essentially a fancy wrapper for all of the modelling tools that we might want to use. To install this package:


The vignette for this package gives a little introduction which can be viewed using

vignette("caret", package = "caret")

There is also a website with lots of information about this package. There are many models that can be fitted using this package, a list of which can be found here and is a useful reference.We use this package throughout today as the mechanism for training and predicting from models is consistent.

The function train I can use to fit my model given a set of training data, and predict() provides an interface for prediction given new values of the predictors. As with lots of R functions there are a number of arguments to each of these functions and we will use a number of these throughout the course.

Advanced caret use

There are lots of nice features included with the caret package some of which I will mention here.

Parallel computation

caret has built into it's train function the ability to use parallel computation for model fitting. The parallel computation typically applies to the resampling methods that are used to asses model performance with models being fit and tested using a data partition on each thread.

Using this functionality is trivial on a linux machine, in fact by default the train method will use parallel computing if available, so all we need to do is set up an environment and make R aware of it.

registerDoMC(cores = 8)

This unfortunately doesn't work on Windows, however we can use the doParallel package to acheive the same thing:

cl = makeCluster(8)

And that's it. If there is a registered parallel back end the train function will use it.

Using the help functionality

Using help pages from caret is a little more difficult to follow than with standard functions like plot, particularly when it comes to model types. The standard notation for help pages can be used


but for information about models and their parameters we need to look in the packages that the models come from. The website above gives information about where model functions come from. To look at a particular function in a particular package we can use


which looks for the help function for the treebag method that is in the ipred package that we used earlier for bagged trees.

Plot functions

There are lots of plot functions associated with different caret objects. They often work by just using the plot command with a different plot from each object. To see a plot methods help file you can use ?plot.<<object type>> notation:


Try the following example

data(diamonds, package = "ggplot2")
i = sample(nrow(diamonds), 1000) # some subset to help plotting
diamonds = diamonds[i, ]
m = train(price~., method = "pls", data = diamonds, 
    tuneLength = 10)
# a plot of model object gives us the resampling 
# information across tuning parameters
## using the varImp function with plot we get
## variable importance scores
# a plot of the final model shows predicted against
# observed values
## a plot of residuals against fitted values
plot(fitted.values(m), resid(m))

There are lots of objects that are part of a train object which can be explored easily since each one is just a list


in addition


gives lots of information about the structure of the object, the output of which has been omitted here.

Specifying training criteria

The trainControl function takes a number of arguments for helping to choose which model to keep. For full details see the help page but here are a few useful ones:

Some useful arguments for the train function:

jr-packages/jrPredictive documentation built on Oct. 12, 2020, 11:44 a.m.