options(htmltools.dir.version = FALSE)
# Now display page numbers and url to slides
set_presentation_options(page_numbers = FALSE,
                         url = "www.jumpingrivers.com/link")

layout: true r add_border(inverse=FALSE)

Jumping Rivers

layout: true r add_border(inverse=TRUE)

class: inverse

Jumping Rivers

class: center, middle, inverse

Center and middle

layout: true r add_border(inverse=FALSE)

Our clients

background-image: url(assets/Rlogo_fade.png)

A brief history of R



layout:false background-image: url(assets/gandalf.jpg) class: center, inverse

Use layout:false to remove the header/footer

Two columns is

.pull-left[ 1. Left column

  1. Another point


.pull-right[ 1. Now to the right

  1. Yep* ]

.footnote[[*] I'm a footnote.]

layout: true r add_border(inverse=FALSE)

Highlight code lines

# Figure scale set in knitr_options.R
# Can't highlight multiple lines
ggplot(cars) +
  {{  geom_point(aes(speed, dist))}}

jr-packages/jrPresentation documentation built on Dec. 23, 2020, 2:49 a.m.