
Exercise 6 (10 minutes)

Open chapter2/exercise6.Rmd. This contains the answers to Exercise 5. Here we're calculating the variable selected twice which is inefficient.

Exercise 7 (10 minutes)

Use chapter2/exercise6.Rmd again.

Exercise 8a (10 minutes)

Open chapter2/exercise8.Rmd. Here we have one button for the flower setosa and one for versicolor. We've also set up a reactiveValues() that initialises to the entire iris data set
* Use the observeEvent() function to update the reactiveValues to the correctly filtered data set, depending on which button the user clicks

Exercise 8b

Exercise 8c

Exercise 9 (10 minutes)

Exercise 10 (5 minutes)

Exercise 11

Exercise 12

Exercise 13

Further Reading

When I was developing this tutorial, I created a couple of simple examples to illustrate different shiny components. These examples are found in chapter2/ and the files start with Why_.

jr-packages/jrShiny documentation built on Feb. 16, 2020, 9:13 p.m.