Man pages for jrash/chemmodlab
A Cheminformatics Modeling Laboratory for Fitting and Assessing Machine Learning Models

aid364Cytotoxicity assay using the Jurkat human T-Cell line
ApplicabilityDomainCompute applicability domain for a chemmodlab model
chemmodlabConstructor for the chemmodlab object
CombineSplitsANOVA and multiple comparisons for chemmodlab objects
HitEnrichPlot hit enrichment curves from observed scores and...
HitEnrichDiffPlot differences between hit enrichment curves
MakeModelDefaultsModel parameters for ModelTrain
ModelTrainFit predictive models to sets of descriptors.
PerfCurveBandsConstruct a confidence band for a recall or precision curve
PerfCurveTestPerform a hypothesis test for the difference between two...
plot.chemmodlabPlot method for the chemmodlab class.
ppargDocking scores for 3212 ligands for target PPARg
jrash/chemmodlab documentation built on May 18, 2023, 8:42 p.m.