Man pages for jrlewi/brlm
Bayesian Restricted Likelihood Methods

bayesLmMCMC algorithm for Bayesian Linear Model
bayesTdistLmMCMC algorithm for Heavy Tailed (t-distribution) Bayesian...
beta_lsSampling for beta_l's in hierarchical model 5. [beta_l|-]...
beta_ls_tSampling for beta_l's and v_ls in hierarchical T-model
brlmbrlm: A package for implementing Bayesian Restricted...
bstar_stepfunctions for bstar step in hierarchical model
fitMixtureA standard Bayesian mixture model for outliers using a...
fitOrderStatRestricted likelihood Bayesian model using a middle set of...
fn.attenuationComputes attenuation factor
fn.comp.yststCompute y** Computes y** from a proposed y* value
fn.gradsComputes the gradients in the linear regression MCMC a single Metropolis-Hastings step
fn.radiusComputes radius
fn.sample.Betasampling for beta in hieararchical model [Beta|-]
hier_modelsMCMC functions for the hierarchical versions of Normal Theory...
hier_samp_funssampling mu in hierarchical model of paper. [mu_bstr|-]...
log.fn.eval.likFull likelihood under Gaussian model
log.prop.denCaluclate the proposal dens on the log scale Computes...
mu_rhoSampling mu_rho [mu_rho|-]
psiPsi functions
psi_rho_sampSampling psi_rho: [psi_rho|-]
quadsquad1 and qaud2
re_modelFit the Normal Theory Random Effects Model
re_sample_muSampling Functions for random effects model
restrictedBayesLmMCMC algorithm for Restricted Likelihood Bayesian Linear...
rho_sampsampling for [rho|-] in hierchical model
rl_directFitting restricted likelihood location-scale model using...
rlDirectEvalFitting restricted likelihood location-scale model using...
rl_importanceFitting restricted likelihood model using importance sampling...
rlImportSampFitting restricted likelihood model using importance sampling...
z_l[Zl|-]: sample one at a time
jrlewi/brlm documentation built on March 17, 2021, 1:10 a.m.