knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, warning=FALSE)

We want to simulate a lognormal particle size distribution and demonstrate the properties of the distribution. First, load the libraries we need and demonstrate the generation of the breaks for lognormal binning of a real dataset. We will plot the separation of the bin breaks.


x <- calc.ln.bin.breaks(diam[,1], n.root.2=4, base.val=0.1)
y <- rep(1,length(x))
df <- data.frame(x=x, y=y)
plt <- ggplot() +
           geom_point(data=df, aes(x=x, y=y),
                      colour="darkblue") +
           ylim(0.75, 1.25) +
           xlab("bin break position [nm]") +

Let's simulate a single mode lognormal distribution. We start by setting variables for the geometric mean diameter (gmd) and the geometric standard deviation (gsd). We will bin the results with bins separated by the 8^th^ root of 2 and with a reference bin break at 0.1 nm. First we will take a peek at the structure of the output that sim.lognormal() produces.

num <- 100000
gmd <- 50
gsd <- 2.0

sim <- sim.lognormal(gmd, gsd, num, 8, 0.1)


Note that we have a dataframe with entries for the diameter (in this case the midpoint of the bin), the associated counts (the number of particles in each bin), and the density (the fraction of particles in each bin). This is everything that we need for a plot and subsequent analysis.

Let's calculate some important parameters of the lognormal distribution and plot the results.

mu <- log(gmd)
sigma <- log(gsd)
mode <- exp(mu - sigma^2)
lt <- 1.1

diaPlt <- ggplot() +
              geom_point(data=sim, aes(x=diam, y=dens), colour="darkblue") +
              scale_x_log10() +
              xlab("Equivalent Circular Diameter (ECD) [nm]") +
              ylab("density") +
              ggtitle(sprintf("%s (n=%d)", "lognormal distribution", num)) +
                   plot.title=element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
              geom_vline(xintercept=gmd, color="blue", size=lt) + 
              geom_vline(xintercept=mode, color="red", size=lt)


Note that the mode of the distribution (the peak) is below the value of the geometric mean diameter, i.e. the point above which half the particles occur.

Finally, let's print out a table

iDigits <- 4
feature <- c("mu",
value <- c(sprintf("%.4f", round(mu,iDigits)),
           sprintf("%.4f", round(sigma, iDigits)),
           sprintf("%.4f", round(mode, iDigits)),
           sprintf("%.4f", round(gmd, iDigits)),
           sprintf("%.4f", round(gsd, iDigits)))

res <- data.frame(feature=feature, value=value)
pandoc.table(res, justify = c('left', 'right'))

jrminter/rAnaLab documentation built on July 20, 2020, 4:09 a.m.