Man pages for jrnold/KFAS
Kalman Filter and Smoother for Exponential Family State Space Models.

approxSSMLinear Gaussian Approximation for Non-Gaussian State Space...
arimaSSMCreate a State Space Representation of ARIMA Model
boatOxford-Cambridge boat race results 1829-2000
combine.SSModelCombine State Space Model Objects of class 'SSModel'
fitSSMMaximum Likelihood Estimation of a State Space Model
GlobalTempTwo series of average global temperature deviations for years...
importanceSSMImportance Sampling of Non-Gaussian State Space Model
KFASKFAS: Functions for Gaussian and Non-Gaussian State Space...
KFSKalman Filter and Smoother with Exact Diffuse Initialization...
ldlLDL Decomposition of a Matrix
logLik.SSModelLog-likelihood of the State Space Model.
plot.approxSSMPlot Approximating Gaussian State Space Model
plot.KFSPlot Ouput of Kalman Filter and Smoother
predict.KFSEstimate the Missing Observations of a State Space Model
print.KFSPrint Ouput of Kalman Filter and Smoother
print.SSModelPrint SSModel Object
regSSMCreate a State Space Model Representation of Linear...
residuals.KFSExtract Standardized Residuals of Kalman Filter and Smoother...
signalExtract the filtered or smoothed signal of a State Space...
simulateSSMSimulation of a Gaussian State Space Model
SSModelCreate a State Space Model Object of class 'SSModel'
structSSMCreate a Structural Time Series State Space Model
transformSSMTransform the SSModel object with multivariate observations
jrnold/KFAS documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:55 p.m.