Man pages for jrnold/ShinyIntroStats
ShinyApps for Intro Stats

geom_dnorm_areaNormal Distribution Density Function
geom_dnorm_lineArea Under the Normal Distribution Density Function
geom_dt_areaArea under the Student's t Distribution Density Function
geom_dt_lineStudent's t Distribution Density Function
intro_stats_shinyappsRun Intro Stats Shiny Apps
normal_area_plotsNormal Distribution Density Plot with Area Shaded
normal_plotNormal Distribution Density Plot
normal_tail_plot_qNormal Distribution Density Plot with Tail Areas
plot_dist_densityPlot probability ditribution
ShinyIntroStatsIntroductory Statistics Shiny Apps
students_t_area_plotsStudent's t Distribution Density Plot with Area Shaded
students_t_plotStudent's t Density Plot
students_t_tail_plotsStudent's t Density Plot with Tail Areas
jrnold/ShinyIntroStats documentation built on May 19, 2019, 11:55 p.m.