
# nolint start
# Extract Color Schemes from Excel
# Extract colors for all color themes on an installed version of Excel
# and save them to a YAML file.
# See
# -
# -
# -
# nolint end

# This no longer works as of 2024-02-09.

# suppressPackageStartupMessages({
#   library("xml2")
#   library("purrr")
#   library("here")
#   library("yaml")
#   library("stringr")
# })

# theme_dir <- "/Applications/Microsoft Themes"
# color_dir <- file.path(theme_dir, "Theme Colors")

# thmx_files <- dir(theme_dir, pattern = "\\.thmx$", full.names = TRUE)
# color_theme_files <- dir(color_dir, pattern = "\\.xml$", full.names = TRUE)

# process_color <- function(x) {
#   name <- xml_name(x)
#   clr <- xml_child(x)
#   if (xml_name(clr) == "srgbClr") {
#     val <- xml_attr(clr, "val")
#   } else if (xml_name(clr) == "sysClr") {
#     val <- xml_attr(clr, "lastClr")
#   }
#   set_names(list(val), name)
# }

# process_clr_scheme <- function(x) {
#   scheme_name <- xml_attr(x, "name")
#   colors <- flatten_chr(map(xml_children(x), process_color))
#   list(
#     colors = list(
#       accents = str_c(
#         "#",
#         unname(colors[str_subset(names(colors), "^accent")])
#       ),
#       dk = str_c("#", unname(colors[c("dk1", "dk2")])),
#       lt = str_c("#", unname(colors[c("lt1", "lt2")])),
#       hlink = list(
#         "default" = str_c("#", colors[["hlink"]]),
#         "followed" = str_c("#", colors[["folHlink"]])
#       )
#     ),
#     name = scheme_name
#   )
# }

# read_office_color_theme <- function(path) {
#   tree <- read_xml(path)
#   process_clr_scheme(xml_find_first(tree, "//a:clrScheme"))
# }

# read_thmx_colors <- function(path) {
#   theme1 <- unz(path, "theme/theme/theme1.xml")
#   read_office_color_theme(theme1)
# }

# themes <- c(
#   map(thmx_files, read_thmx_colors),
#   map(color_theme_files, read_office_color_theme)
# )

# names(themes) <- map_chr(themes, "name")
# for (i in names(themes)) {
#   themes[[i]] <- themes[[i]][["colors"]]
# }

# cat(as.yaml(themes),
#   file = here("data-raw", "theme-data", "excel-themes.yml")
# )
jrnold/ggthemes documentation built on Feb. 17, 2024, 7:30 a.m.