  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>",
  fig.path = "README-",
  cache = TRUE


The goal of pisaUSA15 is to make it easy to access the student assessment and questionnaire, teacher questionnaire, and school questionnaire data from the 2015 PISA assessment. The 2015 assessment includes responses from more than 500,000 students, while this package includes the almost 6,000 responses associated with students in the USA.


You can install pisaUSA15 from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")


Here is how to load the four datasets (just type the name after loading the package with library(pisaUSA15); not run for now as very many of the column names are printed):


stu_assess # student assessments
stu_quest # student questionnaires
tch_quest # teacher questionnaires
sch_quest # school questionnaires

Merging datasets

Joining the student assessment and student questionnaire:

left_join(stu_assess, stu_quest, by = "CNTSTUID")

Joining student-level data (either the student assessment or student questionnaire) with teacher or school questionnaires:

left_join(stu_quest, tch_quest, by = "SCHID")
left_join(stu_assess, tch_quest, by = "SCHID")

Joining teacher and school questionnaires:

left_join(tch_quest, sch_quest, by = "SCHID")

Download the codebook

You can use the following function to download the codebook through a web browser:


Depending on your system's default settings, this may open the codebook in the browser or start a download.

Other data

Also see these items here:

And the technical report here:

jrosen48/pisaUSA15 documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:50 a.m.