
#' core_cross_validate <- function(df,
#'                                 ...,
#'                                 to_center,
#'                                 to_scale,
#'                                 n_profiles,
#'                                 distance_metric,
#'                                 linkage,
#'                                 k) {
#'     out <- dplyr::data_frame(k_iteration = rep(NA, k),
#'                              kappa = rep(NA, k),
#'                              percentage_agree = rep(NA, k))
#'     for (i in seq(k)){
#'         message("Clustering data for iteration ", i)
#'         df <- dplyr::select(df, ...)
#'         df$ID <- 1:nrow(df)
#'         if (nrow(df) %% 2 == 0) {
#'             dat1 <- dplyr::sample_n(df, nrow(df) / 2)
#'             dat2 <- dplyr::filter(df, !(df$ID  %in% dat1$ID))
#'         } else {
#'             dat1 <- dplyr::sample_n(df, ceiling(nrow(df) / 2)) 
#'             dat2 <- dplyr::filter(df, !(df$ID  %in% dat1$ID))
#'             dat1 <- dat1[-nrow(dat1), ]
#'         }
#'         dat1$ID <- NULL
#'         row.names(dat1) <- NULL
#'         dat2$ID <- NULL
#'         # step 1 (cluster half the data)
#'         two_prof_dat1 <- 
#'             suppressWarnings(
#'                 suppressMessages(
#'                     create_profiles_cluster(dat1, 
#'                                             ...,
#'                                             n_profiles = n_profiles, 
#'                                             to_center = to_center, 
#'                                             to_scale = to_center, 
#'                                             distance_metric = distance_metric,
#'                                             linkage = linkage)))
#'         # step 2 (cluster the other half of the data)
#'         two_prof_dat2 <- 
#'             suppressWarnings(
#'                 suppressMessages(
#'                     create_profiles_cluster(dat2, 
#'                                     ...,
#'                                     n_profiles = n_profiles, 
#'                                     to_center = to_center, 
#'                                     to_scale = to_center, 
#'                                     distance_metric = distance_metric,
#'                                     linkage = linkage)))
#'         if (is.na(two_prof_dat1[[4]][1]) | is.na(two_prof_dat2[[4]][1]) ) {
#'             message("")
#'             message("Could not calculate agreement because k-means algorithm did not converge")
#'             out$k_iteration[i] <- i
#'             out$kappa[i] <- NA
#'             out$percentage_agree[i] <- NA
#'             next()
#'         }
#'         # these are sample 1 data and cluster assignments
#'         two_prof_cross_1 <- two_prof_dat1$clustered_raw_data 
#'         # these are sample 2 data and cluster assignments
#'         two_prof_cross_2 <- two_prof_dat2$clustered_raw_data 
#'         # step 3 (Assign observations in one half (say, sample 2) . . . 
#'         # . . . to the profile to which they are most similar in the other half (say, sample 1))
#'         #reclassify by nearest neighbor
#'         two_prof_cross_2$cluster_nn <- class::knn1(dat1, dat2, two_prof_cross_1$cluster) 
#'         # step 4 (Re-code the profiles in sample 1 on the basis of which profile they are the most similar to in sample 2 . . . 
#'         # . . . optimizing for the re-coding  that maximizes the agreement across all profiles)
#'         #two_prof_cross$cluster.f <- two_prof_cross$cluster
#'         two_prof_df <- dplyr::data_frame(orig_cluster = two_prof_cross_2$cluster, cluster_nn = two_prof_cross_2$cluster_nn)
#'         two_prof_df$cluster_nn <- as.integer(two_prof_df$cluster_nn)
#'         two_prof_tab <- table(two_prof_df)
#'         #solve assignment
#'         res <- lpSolve::lp.assign(-two_prof_tab)
#'         l <- apply(res$solution > 0.5, 1, which)
#'         # step 5 (Calculate the agreement between re-coded sample 1 observations assigned to the sample 2 profile to which they are most similar . . . 
#'         # . . . and the original sample 1 profiles
#'         two_prof_cross_2$cluster_nn_rc <- l[two_prof_cross_2$cluster]
#'         recode_df <- dplyr::select(two_prof_cross_2, two_prof_cross_2$cluster_nn, two_prof_cross_2$cluster_nn_rc)
#'         try_kappa <- function(df) {
#'             out <- tryCatch(
#'                 {
#'                     x <- irr::kappam.fleiss(df)
#'                     x$value
#'                 },
#'                 error = function(cond) {
#'                     message(cond)
#'                     return(NA)
#'                 },
#'                 warning = function(cond) {
#'                     message(cond)
#'                     return(NA)
#'                 }
#'             )    
#'             return(out)
#'         }
#'         Kap <- try_kappa(recode_df)
#'         agreement <- irr::agree(recode_df)
#'         out$k_iteration[i] <- i
#'         out$kappa[i] <- round(as.numeric(Kap), 2)
#'         out$percentage_agree[i] <- round(agreement$value / 100, 2)
#'     }
#'     message("################################")
#'     message(paste0("Mean Fleiss's Kappa for ", k, " iterations is ", round(mean(out$kappa, na.rm = T), 2)))
#'     message(paste0("Mean percentage agreement for ", k, " iterations is ", round(mean(out$percentage_agree, na.rm = T), 2)))
#'     out
#' }
#' #' Returns statistics from double-split cross validation
#' #' @details Performs double-split cross validation and returns Cohen's Kappa and percentage agreement statistics.
#' #' @param df with two or more columns with continuous variables
#' #' @param ... unquoted variable names separated by commas
#' #' @param to_center (TRUE or FALSE) for whether to center the raw data with M = 0
#' #' @param to_scale Boolean (TRUE or FALSE) for whether to scale the raw data with SD = 1
#' #' @param n_profiles the number of profiles in the solution to cross-validate; or, the character string "iterate" to perform cross-validation for 2 to 9 profile solutions
#' #' @param distance_metric Distance metric to use for hierarchical clustering; "squared_euclidean" is default but more options are available (see ?hclust)
#' #' @param linkage Linkage method to use for hierarchical clustering; "complete" is default but more options are available (see ?dist)
#' #' @param k the number of iterations
#' #' @param lower_bound if n_profiles = "iterate", then this is the smallest number of profiles in the range of number of profiles to explore; defaults to 2
#' #' @param upper_bound if n_profiles = "iterate", then this is the largest number of profiles in the range of number of profiles to explore; defaults to 9
#' #' @return A ggplot2 object
#' #' @export
#' #' 
#' cross_validate <- function(df,
#'                            ...,
#'                            to_center = FALSE,
#'                            to_scale = FALSE,
#'                            n_profiles,
#'                            distance_metric = "squared_euclidean",
#'                            linkage = "complete", 
#'                            k = 30,
#'                            lower_bound = 2,
#'                            upper_bound = 9) {
#'     message("################################")
#'     if (n_profiles == "iterate") {
#'         out_list <- list()
#'         for (i in lower_bound:upper_bound){
#'             message(paste0("Clustering for n_profiles = ", i))
#'             out <- suppressWarnings(
#'                 suppressMessages(core_cross_validate(df,
#'                                                      ...,
#'                                                      to_center = to_center,
#'                                                      to_scale = to_scale,
#'                                                      n_profiles = i,
#'                                                      distance_metric = distance_metric,
#'                                                      linkage = linkage, 
#'                                                      k = k)))
#'             out_list[[i - 1]] <- out
#'         }
#'         profile <- paste0("Profile ", lower_bound:upper_bound)
#'         mean_kappa <- purrr::map_dbl(out_list, function(x) mean(x$kappa, na.rm = T))
#'         mean_percentage_agree <- purrr::map_dbl(out_list, function(x) mean(x$percentage_agree, na.rm = T))
#'         out <- data.frame(profile, mean_kappa, mean_percentage_agree)
#'     } else {
#'         out <- core_cross_validate(df,
#'                                    ...,
#'                                    to_center = to_center,
#'                                    to_scale = to_scale,
#'                                    n_profiles = n_profiles,
#'                                    distance_metric = distance_metric,
#'                                    linkage = linkage, 
#'                                    k = k)
#'     }
#'     return(out)
#' }
jrosen48/prcr documentation built on Feb. 9, 2020, 5:15 p.m.